Delegation Report - blackk_magiik

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad

Hi, I am currently part of the Moonriver/Moonbeam OpenGov Technical Committee and also co-founding member of the Paradoxx collators on Moonriver/Moonbeam. My background over the years has/is enterprise network security and past few years started to get more into learning about the crypto industry and what it can offer to the community. I like messing around with new tech and breaking stuff. I try to stay active in the Moonbeam discord server, mainly the ā€œcollatorsā€ channel and try to poke around on the forum portal and ask questions to benefit the community knowledge or my own curiosity.

Date: 8/31/2023


Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Proposal to Swap Lease Slots with Parachain ID 3342
Your vote: Yes
This seems to be an easy answer for the community to continue to support Moonbeam for future growth :slight_smile:

Date: 8/31/2023


Blacck_magiik is deeply involved in the Moonbeam community and would be a great resource as a delegate particularly because of technical background, and demonstrated commitment as a collator and member of the technical committee.


Thanks @kevin! I am humbled by your support.

Network: Moonbeam

Vote: Yes

This will be a great move for Moonbeam to support USDC.

Vote: Yes

In full support of this proposal, great to see more integrations with other networks. Expanding the use of Moonbeam.

Vote: Yes

Deciding to vote yes on this proposal. HydraDX will be a great add, but more importantly the Moonbeam network retains controls of the funds at all times. Despite the treasury being tight on funds, this could bode well for both networks, driving user interaction.


Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Moonriver Runtime 2500 Upgrade
Your vote: Yes
All for continued Moonriver deployment improvements and new feature releases.

:warning: Breaking changes

  • The delegate call for the parachain-stacking precompile is deprecated in favor of delegateWithAutoCompound (#2333)
  • In the pallet-staking the MinDelegatorStk is removed and only MinDelegation is used. A user is a delegator if it has atleast 1 delegation with a bond value of MinDelegation or more (#2381)
  • Enforce MaxCandidates limit for staking storage items (#2378)
  • Increase erc20 xcm gas cost to 200,000 (from 80,000) to account additional costs of the GMP precompile (#2408)
  • Update dependencies (Substrate/Polkadot/Frontier/Cumulus/ā€¦) to v0.9.43 (#2377)
    • FrameSystemAccountInfo interface change, miscFrozen and feeFrozen fields removed and frozen and flags added (substrate#12951)
  • Decrease the value of maximum concurrent votes in OpenGov from 512 to 20 (#2401)
  • Remove deprecated leave delegator functionality (#2349)
  • Add XCM Transactor precompile V3 - [Moonbase only] (#2338)
  • Generate weights for the runtime (#2442)
  • Introduce a gas-based storage limit (MBIP-5) - [Moonbase only] (#2452)
  • Use new benchmark for staking rewards (#2461)

Date: 9/14/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

xcZTG Asset Registration
Your vote: Yes
Pleased to see continue growth on moonbean and additional XC integrations with other chains. Moonbeam was designed for this, lets continue to expand Moonbeamā€™s reach.

Date: 9/14/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Moonbeam Runtime 1500 Upgrade
Your vote: Yes
Voting yes as we should always continue to upgrade Moonbeam, add new features and continually fix open bugs.

Date: 9/27/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonriver
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonriver

Proposal to Swap Lease Slots with Parachain ID 2284
Your vote: Yes
Voting yes as we should always continue to support Moonriver growth.

Date: 10/22/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonriver
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonriver

Picasso proposal to Open/Accept HRMP channel with Moonriver and Register Asset xcPICA
Your vote: Yes
I am in support of this as it continues the support of Moonriver and extends intra-parachain reachability

Date: 10/22/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Destroying Multichain XC-20 mintable tokens
Your vote: Yes
Multichain has been broke for several months and doesnt look like the devs have control of the infrastructure, nor seems hope of functionality recovery. I am in favor of this proposal and reclaiming the GLMR tokens.

Date: 10/22/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes
Its important to restore the correct functionality XCM between Kusama and Moonriver. Few users are already impacted.

Date: 11/9/2023

1 Like

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes
It appears after several attempts from the community and based on on-chain data. Stakefish has abandonded their 4 nodes in the Moonriver active set, thus they would be chilled and removed. Having non-functional nodes in the active set, is a threat to the network and a bad example. This gives an opportunity for other users to step up who will take the role more seriously.

Date: 11/9/2023

1 Like

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes

All for expanding and bringing more XC tokens to Moonbeam

Date: 11/19/2023

1 Like

I have changed my vote to Nay, as the proposal is missing the correct token specific standard

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes

I am in continue favor of supporting this, until the broken code is fixed.

Date: 12/5/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes

I am in favor of it. We need a way to clean up the active set for dead nodes. This is a great addition moving towards decentralization. More control to the community.

Date: 12/5/2023

Delegate Name: blackk_magiik
Delegate ID: Moonriver/Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0x47a15e9165ee60164d0c3c84b2227989698820ad
Voting activity:

Network: Moonriver/Moonbeam

Your vote: Yes

I am in favor of the new RT2700. This brings async backing to moonbase and numerous improvements.

Date: 1/9/2024