Network Information
Polkadex is a non-custodial peer-to-peer orderbook-based cryptocurrency exchange built on Substrate.
The Polkadex parachain is a bridging parachain that enables token transfers to the native Polkadex blockchain, or solochain. The Substrate-based solochain enables ‘Polkadex Orderbook,’ Polkadex’s flagship product and the ecosystem’s centrepiece.
Network website:
Network Twitter:
Network Discord: Discord
Network Telegram: Telegram: Contact @Polkadex
Q1: Is the Blockchain Code Open-Source?:
A1: Yes. Github.
Q2: Is Sudo-enabled on the Network? If Sudo is disabled, is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses?
A2: Yes, sudo is enabled for this blockchain.
Q3: Is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses (<50 addresses)?
A3: N/A
Q4: Have you completed full testing of this integration in Moonbase Alpha?
A4: Yes
Q5: (For Moonbeam XCM/HRMP Proposals Only) Does your network have a Kusama deployment? If yes, please provide Network name and whether your Kusama deployment is integrated with Moonriver
A5: Does not apply
Q6: Is your blockchain code Audited? If yes, please provide: i. the name of Auditors, ii. dates of audit reports and, if available, links to audit reports.
Polkadex Parachain: There is an ongoing audit being conducted by Hacken which is set to complete by Mid June 2023. It will be made public post-internal analysis.
Native Polkadex Blockchain: During the last 2 years of development, Polkadex has been proactive in seeking comprehensive audits of our code. While some may now be outdated, the following audits have been conducted during the last 2 years of development: