Repeat Offender in the Treasury Council - Sik

Here We Go Again GIF

It’s this time of the year again :smirk:

The third term of the Moonbeam Treasury Council is nearing an end and it’s time to thank you all!
My biggest THANKYOU goes to the community and the token holders, who voted me to be their representative for all things treasury :pray:
I appreciate the trust you have shown through the council election and also by delegating your governance voting power to me.

My utmost respect goes to the foundation members in the treasury council for bearing with me and enduring my shitposting and inappropriate memes in the internal channels :see_no_evil: :rofl:

I already wrote about my experience as treasury councilor back in November which I’ll reference here because I want to focus on the things that changed or were different.

And there are quite some changes/news

Lineup-Changes in the Treasury Council

I was the only member re-elected from the previous term and even on the Moonbeam Foundation side a new meme-master entered the game!
@lina.k.m it was a pleasure to work with you :heart_eyes: you’re the true treasure in the Treasury Council.
I am glad that I was able to assist you with some things to make your start easier.

Kudos to my co-councilors @_yrn && @ @micheleicebergnodes - it was great working with you!

The Onboarding Experience

I quickly realized that not all future council members will be on the same level of technical expertise - and to be frank, many procedures within the Treasury Council are highly technical.
There are written guides but it was still hard to piece all the bits together.
That’s why I decided to leave a footprint and generated a series of loom videos to provide visual guides with explanations for the most frequent and important procedures in the life of a councilor.

It was a lot of fun sharing my experience with the new candidates and even if not re-elected these videos will still serve as a valuable asset for future members.

RPC provider funding

Same as in previous terms, funding proposals for RPC services have been the main treasury objective, and I’m happy that we further optimized the spending thereby supporting more unique RPC providers than ever before!
I feel like we’re achieving the sweet spot of cost-effective funding, performance, and decentralization - which aligns pretty well with Moonbeam’s overall goals!

$PINK Airdrop Distribution

The Moonbeam Treasury Council was tasked to distribute the $PINK token airdrop to community members and ecosystem dApps/projects.
Some of you might know that I’m not quite the prime shitcoiner amongst the degens - but the task was technical! Distributing tokens to more than 20k addresses in a quick, reliable, and cost-efficient manner: challenge accepted!
We found a great way how to prepare and execute the airdrop and learned a lot along the way.

What’s Next

As you know the current Treasury Council term is nearing an end in the coming month so there will be another election process and I highly encourage everyone who cares deeply about the Moonbeam and Moonriver ecosystem who feels comfortable to make important decisions to apply for a seat :fire:

Much love, and thanks again for your trust and support,
Sik :heart_hands:


Great overview, and sounds like you were guilty as charged.

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We had few interactions, but you supported us very accurately and intelligently with the Moonbeam Multisig Grant.

You are top-notch, and long live our community! :full_moon_with_face: