Treasury Council Elections (July - December 2024)

Since the inception of the program, the Treasury Council has always contained a majority of community, non-Foundation members. However, their appointment was rolled into the governance motion which created the program. The current council consists of 5 community members:

  • 2 Foundation Treasury Council Members
  • 3 Non-Foundation Treasury Council Members

In November of 2023, elections were held for the current Non-Foundation Council Members.

This proposal is to again hold elections for the 3 Non-Foundation council members and the process will be as follows.


  • Ensure a responsible spending of the treasury funds in the best interest of Moonbeam and Moonriver networks;
  • Review and vote on proposals submitted by the community members and service providers for various initiatives such as infrastructure maintenance and operations;
  • Communicate openly with the Moonbeam community on the Forum about the rationale behind funding decisions;
  • Facilitate community driven initiatives by acting as the multisig for token distribution processes (similar to PINK initiative)

Election process:

Anyone interested in running for the Council should create a “Treasury Council Member Candidacy” post on the Treasury Proposals Category on the Forum between May 30 - June 6, 03:00 PM UTC. This includes the 3 existing non-Foundation members, should they wish to serve another term.

Format of the candidacy post:

  • Name: Name of applicant
  • Timezone: Timezone applicant resides in normally
  • English Language proficiency: English language proficiency (based on the IRL scale)
  • Qualifications: Proof of experience in Web3
  • Background: Moonbeam background and track record
  • Motivation: Motivation for applying
  • Conflicts of interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interests they may have that could impact them evaluating certain types of proposals
  • Availability: How much time you can commit to the committee (anyone unable to commit a minimum of 10 hours will be automatically disqualified) and whether you have any general restrictions that would get in the way of attending regular meetings.
  • Code of Conduct: Applicants should affirm that they are in good standing in the community and will commit to upholding the code of conduct.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Minimum IRL 3 proficiency in English
  • Capable of spending the minimum of 10 hours per week
  • Desirable qualifications: infrastructure operations, experience with software development, etc.
  • Forum Trust Level 1
  • Complete Delegate profile on the Delegation Dashboard


  • May 30 - June 6, 03:00 PM UTC: Candidates post their candidacy post here
  • June 6 - June 13, 03:00 PM UTC: The community to provide feedback on the candidacy posts and ask additional questions of the applicants
  • June 13, 03:00 PM UTC: A weighted snapshot vote begins
  • June 20, 03:00 PM UTC: A weighted snapshot vote ends

Note: changing one’s vote in the last 10 hours of the weighted snapshot voting is not permitted (accounts that change their selection will be identified using an indexer and disqualified). This is to avoid attempts to manipulate the outcome. So please consider your vote carefully before casting it.

The three candidates that receive the highest weighted votes and complete the Foundation administration review will proceed to the on-chain voting that will take place on June 21, 2024.


Council Members will serve from July 2024 - December 2024.


Non-Foundation Treasury Council Members will be compensated 1500.00 USDC monthly for services provided to the Council.


Candidacy Post

Name: Marcel Perez Rodriguez
Timezone: UTC-4:00
English Language Proficiency: IRL 3
Treasury Position: Non-Foundation Treasury Council

I’m an enthusiast in the crypto world with a solid grasp on how to implement technologies like blockchain, as well as integrating new forms of payment such as cryptocurrencies. My expertise spans business development, international business management, project management, financial analysis, and resource management. I’ve also dedicated time to mastering the fundamentals of Web3 and blockchain, enhancing my ability to navigate and leverage these technologies effectively.

I’ve been deeply involved in the crypto space for the past 4 years, with the last 2 years specifically focused on exploring, holding in GLMR token, and researching the Moonbeam project, Polkadot, and their updates.
At the same time, I’m fully aware of the immense potential these projects hold and I’m excited about the prospect of contributing to their future developments. Where I’ve kept up-to-date with ecosystem updates, new implementations, and strategic alliances. This background not only informs my understanding of the space but also fuels my drive to contribute meaningfully to Moonbeam’s success.

I am strongly interested for applying to the council is driven by a genuine interest in optimizing the project’s resources and treasury. I believe that with strategic investments and well-thought-out decisions, we can significantly grow the project. I’m passionate about being part of this exciting journey and helping to implement innovative solutions that can drive Moonbeam forward.

Conflicts of Interest
I have no conflicts of interest that would impact my ability to evaluate proposals objectively.

I can commit 10-14 hours per week to the committee. I have no general restrictions that would interfere with attending regular meetings.

Code of Conduct
I fully share code of conduct principles and I will adhere to it

Supporting Information


Let’s make the future of Web3 a reality together!

Thank you Lina for this post, Treasury Council Elections are always a big and fruitful opportunity to engage our amazing Community, let’s spread the voice!!!


Heyya :wave:

Thanks a lot for scoring firstBlood :drop_of_blood:

The initial post by @lina.k.m asked to post the application as a standalone topic here => Treasury Proposals - Moonbeam Community Forum

Can you please do it that way and name it something like
“Treasury Council Member Candidacy - Marcel Perez Rodriguez” (or however you like best)

Thanks a lot,
Sik :heart_hands: