Delegation Report - Yaron

Delegate Name: :shield::sparkles: Yaron MGG :sparkles::shield:
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602

Heyy, it’s Yaron :wave:
Moonbeam Governance Guild & Treasury Council member from Berlin, Germany.
With Moonbeam & Moonriver I’ve been engaged since prelaunch and deeply submerged in all of Gavin’s brainchild’s ecosystems along the way.
For many parachains and system parachains in the ecosystem I’ve been running ExtraCoin nodes for some years.
`I enjoy going to blockchain conferences around the globe :earth_asia: and tech innovation in general. My voting perspective on proposals might bias towards game-theory, tech- and economical-feasibility over marketing oriented reasoning and the likes, but I’ll try to free myself from personal biases as much as possible through engaging in constructive discussions with other members of the guild and outside of it.
For an extended introduction I’ll refer to my current terms TC candidacy post instead of copy-:spaghetti:’ing.

Any additional GLMR delegations will serve me to first and foremost vote in the token holders best interest & for a flourishing ecosystem :dizzy:

:bird: Twitter: @yaronski
:fire: Element:
:e-mail: Mail:
:space_invader: Discord: @yrn
:phone: Telegram: @yrnski

Voting details and reasoning behind each and every voting decision in the upcoming posts below :point_down:

Delegate Name: :shield::sparkles: Yaron MGG :sparkles::shield:
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602
Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 79
  • Proposal title: Return PINK and NCTR from Failed TX
  • Vote: AYE
  • Proof: Hash
  • Reasoning: Misconfigured XCM transfers resulting in failed minting executions on MB and user funds being locked-up on MB’s Sovereign account on Polkadot Assethub due to a technical upgrade – clearly refunding the accounts affected by this technical misconfig is the right thing to do here.

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 80
  • Proposal title: Recover a user’s Manta tokens from contract address
  • Vote: AYE
  • Proof: Hash
  • Reasoning: S**t happens. Apparently we are looking at a case of simple yet consequential user mistake with lessons learned the hard way, presumably. Once again a great example of the power of Substrate and expedient, good Governance on Moonbeam. Funds that would have been forever lost in most other networks can be recovered through good governance.

Miscellaneous: For testing purposes, on proposal #79 I voted via Nova Wallet’s integrated MB Gov Vote tab and on proposal #80 via the Moonbeam Governance Dashboard as done in the past. Interestingly Nova natively calls the substrate extrinsic while the MB Gov Dashboard goes through EVM system contract calls which is most noticeable through comparison in fees incurred. 0.169126 GLMR vs 0.00151 GLMR. That’s a smooth 100x!
Consequently, both regular Governance votes are displayed in different activity tabs in Subscan.
While Nova’s UX flow & conviction selection is very smooth, the MB Gov Dashboard provides a lot more and more digestible information on the proposal in question.



Delegate Name: :shield::sparkles: Yaron MGG :sparkles::shield:
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602
Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87
  • Proposal title: Candidate {1 -7} for Treasury Committee. (Jan-June 2025)
  • Votes: ABSTAIN
  • Proof: Hashes for Referendum 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87
  • Reasoning: Simon and I, we are both members of the Governance Guild and among the candidates running for re-election as non-Foundation members in the Treasury Council. For that matter I ABSTAIN from all seven referenda related to the Treasury Council elections to ensure unbiased neutrality of the funds delegated.


Delegate Name: :shield::sparkles: Yaron MGG :sparkles::shield:
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602
Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 88
  • Proposal title: Register Bifrost Liquid Staking Token (LST) xcvBNC on Moonbeam
  • Vote: AYE
  • Proof: Hash
  • Reasoning: The two component’s risk assessment & auditing appear to have been done thoroughly. For that matter, xcvBNC and other LST’s / LSD’s will bring nothing but value to an established DeFi ecosystem on Moonbeam and further fuel cross-chain activities on top of that. Obviously, the Bifrost team has battle-tested substrate LST expertise. AYE!


Delegate Name: :shield::sparkles: Yaron MGG :sparkles::shield:
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602
Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 89
  • Proposal title: Bump XCM Safe Version to 3
  • Vote: AYE
  • Proof: Hash
  • Reasoning: Newer version of XCM bringing many advancements over XCM v2 to the table. AYE!
