MR58: Use of Parachain Bond Reserve to Fund Moonriver Grants (June 2024)


In April 2024, a Forum post solicited community input to shape Moonriver’s DeFi strategy and explore using the parachain bond reserve. Three teams submitted proposals, and after a thorough evaluation, the Beamswap team was selected to receive funding (see announcement). This proposal requests 96,909 MOVR from the Parachain Bond Reserve to fund:

  • Beamswap’s V3 AMM Development: 10,025 MOVR
  • Liquidity in Beamswap’s AMM: 43,442 MOVR
  • Liquidity in Moonwell’s Deployment: 43,442 MOVR
  • Additional Community Initiatives (TBD): Up to 16,708 MOVR

MOVR amounts are based on a total of USD 1.7M using a 30 day TWAP of the MOVR price as of June 6, 2024.

The Beamswap funding will be released in stages, tied to key project milestones. Approval from the Moonriver community is requested to proceed.


In April 2024, a call was made for community input to shape Moonriver’s DeFi strategy. The primary goals were to determine the level of community support and gather feedback on using the Moonriver Parachain Bond Reserve for this purpose. Additionally, the post aimed to identify project teams within the ecosystem interested in seeking grant funding for this initiative.

Following the call, three teams submitted proposals. The current Moonbeam Grants Committee (see season 4 committee election results) was assigned the task of evaluating these proposals. This comprehensive evaluation process involved:

  • thorough reviews of each proposal;
  • follow-up questions and constructive suggestions for improvement to each team;
  • internal discussions and a voting process to determine the final recipient.

After a meticulous review and voting process, the Beamswap team was selected as the grant recipient.


This forum post is a Moonriver Governance proposal, requesting the allocation of 96,909 MOVR from the Parachain Bond Reserve to fund the following:

1 - Development and Maintenance of Beamswap’s V3 AMM:

  • Amount: 10,025 MOVR (Equivalent to USD 150,000)
  • Purpose: To support the development and ongoing maintenance of Beamswap’s Version 3 Automated Market Maker (AMM).

2 - Increase Concentrated Liquidity in Beamswap’s Liquidity AMM:

  • Amount: 43,442 MOVR
  • Purpose: To enhance the concentrated liquidity within Beamswap’s liquidity AMM.

3 - Increase Liquidity in Moonwell’s Moonriver Deployment:

  • Amount: 43,442 MOVR
  • Purpose: To boost liquidity in Moonwell’s Moonriver deployment.

4 - Additional Community Initiatives:

  • Amount: Up to 16,708 MOVR
  • Purpose: For additional grants and community initiatives aimed at boosting activity in the Moonriver ecosystem coinciding with the above to be awarded at a later time.

This initiative is designed to significantly contribute to the growth and robustness of the Moonriver ecosystem. Your support and approval are crucial for advancing our DeFi strategy and fostering innovation within our community.

Beamswap Development Payment Schedule:
50% Upfront
25% Upon Deployment of:

  • V4 DEX engine with SC deployment
  • On-site analytics
  • Front-end integration and functionality
  • Native yield farming pools
  • Gasless swap integration with Call Permit

25% Upon Deployment of:

  • Axelar Bridge integration
  • Axelar cross-chain swap integration

Distribution of MOVR to increase liquidity depth for both teams will be determined at a later date, likely coinciding with the completion of Axelar deployment.

Next Steps: Upon approval, the allocated funds will be distributed as outlined above, and progress will be monitored and reported to ensure transparency and accountability.


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