Delegation Report - turrizt

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 56
  • Proposal Title: Runtime RT2901 Schedule
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of authorizing the upgrade to RT2901 due to its critical enhancements for the Moonriver network. the runtime upgrade improves performance with increased gas limits and reduced block time, integrates the latest Polkadot SDK for enhanced compatibility, and addresses essential issues like block production and fee payments. these updates are vital for maintaining the network’s efficiency, security, and scalability, ensuring Moonriver’s continuous development and stability

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 57
  • Proposal Title: Runtime RT3000 Schedule
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of authorizing the upgrade to RT3000 due to its extensive enhancements for the Moonriver network. this upgrade enables a 6-second block time, doubles the gas limit per block, and includes support for Ethereum Cancun updates, significantly improving network performance and compatibility. these updates, along with other optimizations like increasing client authoring duration and reducing target block fullness, are essential for ensuring the Moonriver network’s efficiency, security, and scalability, fostering its continuous growth and stability

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 58
  • Proposal Title: Use of Parachain Bond Reserve to Fund Moonriver Grants (June 2024)
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of this proposal to allocate 96,909 MOVR from the Parachain Bond Reserve to fund key projects like Beamswap’s V3 AMM development and liquidity initiatives in Beamswap and Moonwell. this funding will enhance DeFi capabilities, improve liquidity, and support additional community initiatives, fostering the growth and robustness of the Moonriver ecosystem