Treasury Council Member Candidacy (July - December 2024) - JT_Beamswap

Name: JT | Beamswap & Beamex
Timezone: UTC+2 (CEST)
English Language proficiency: ILR Level 3
Treasury Position: Non-Foundation Treasury Council

I’ve been a crypto enthusiast since late 2016, initially just observing the market without fully understanding it. A year later, I dove into the crypto craze and have been deeply involved ever since. Over the years, I’ve been part of several crypto startups and local communities. For one year, I even led the local crypto community. During this time, I completed a Master’s in Management and E-business, which paved the way for my first job in the crypto industry. My roles have included project management, marketing lead, advisory, financial analysis, growth hacking, and community management. After working for various companies, I decided to create something of my own, leading to the establishment of Beamswap. We’ve been pushing forward ever since.

I have been working on the Moonbeam Network for over 2.5 years, where my most notable contributions include all grant and discussion posts for Beamswap and Beamex. During this time, I’ve built strong relationships with key project leaders, the Moonbeam core team, and other community members. I’ve often provided a unique perspective on problems and their solutions. I believe I have read most available information about Polkadot and its parachains or ecosystems. Most of the communication between Beamswap and Moonbeam has been handled by me. This means that regular contact with Aaron and Sicco has been established.

I’ve always had distinct views and opinions on how things should be done. On Moonbeam, there have been numerous back-and-forth conversations about designing the grants system and what projects can do moving forward. Unfortunately, these discussions rarely reach the broader community, and as a non-council member, questions sometimes go unanswered. It’s important for the needs of projects and the network to be heard and for strategic investments to follow. I’d like to assist in this and help drive Moonbeam forward. As a friend once said, “onwards and upwards.”

Conflicts of interest:
I have a conflict of interest when it comes to reviewing proposals from my own team at Beamswap. To address this, I propose that I provide feedback on other proposals but have no say or vote on those from my own company. This means I would abstain from all votes regarding any future proposals made by Beamswap.

I can commit 10-20 hours per week. I believe the only restriction here would be the European timezone, if some meetings were happening during the night. Other that that I don’t see any general restrictions

Code of Conduct:
In the past two and half years we have come a long way in the Moonbeam community, I can assure you that I will uphold the code of conduct.

My delegate profile: Delegates of Moonbeam DAO
My Company forum profile: Profile - beamswapio - Moonbeam Community Forum

I wish to remain anonymous during the voting period and can provide my real information to other council members if the outcome is favorable. I have confirmed with Sicco before writing this proposal.

1 Like

Hi @jt_beam ,
Thank you for your candidacy post - it is always good to see a dedicated community member, such as yourself, indicate an interest in running important mechanisms within the ecosystem! I must also say that you have an impressive track record not only in crypto but most importantly in the Moonbeam ecosystem.

I would like to push a bit further and ask a few questions if you don’t mind.
For example, I would like to know more about your involvement at Beamswap and whether you will have time to allocate 10-20 hours as mentioned in your post.

Also, in the Motivation section you talked about your experience with the Grants Program which is separate from the Treasury management. While Treasury is a vital part of network management and decentralization process, its budget and scope are much less than that of Grants for now. More info about amounts and types of spending per category can be found here.
Thus, I would be keen to learn whether Treasury management is actually the type of commitment you’d like to take up, and if “yes”, then what would be your motivation to do so.

Hey @lina.k.m thank you for your questions.

Regarding availability:

I don’t have any issues with working hours. My typical workday is 10-12 hours long, which provides ample time for this position. Some days require more attention in one area, while other days require it in another.

Regarding Grants and Treasury:

I understand the differences between the two. My proposal reflects my experience as an outsider. I familiarized myself with the distinctions between both areas before submitting my proposal. I would be very interested in taking a position on the Treasury Council.


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