Register Asset xcEURC.s (bridged Circle's EURC) from Pendulum Chain

Pendulum XCM Disclosures


Register Asset xcEURC.s from Pendulum Chain


This proposal requests the registration of EURC.s asset as xcEURC.s, with the following details:

  • Multilocation: { parents: 1, interior: { X5: [ { Parachain: 2094 }, { PalletInstance: 53 }, { GeneralIndex: 2 }, { GeneralKey: { length: 4, data: 0x4555524300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 } }, { GeneralKey: { length: 32, data: 0xcf4f5a26e2090bb3adcf02c7a9d73dbfe6659cc690461475b86437fa49c71136 } } ] }}
  • Decimals: 12
  • Name: Circle EURC (Stellar)
  • Symbol: xcEURC.s

xcEURC.s will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:

  • Asset ID: 220698173844663170714431919474506717455
  • XC-20 address: 0xffffffffa608ec1332131289cbd8a97a0bb3d90f

Use Cases

Bringing the most trusted regulated and MiCA compliant EUR token to Moonbeam community, would enable various use cases like:

  1. Option for the community to hold a euro stablecoin.
  2. Currency trading and risk hedging — between USDC and EURC.
  3. Lending and borrowing on dApps.

On-Chain Proposal Reference

On-Chain Proposal #[__] with the associated hash:

Technical details:

This proposal just registers Circle’s EURC (Stellar) token as xcEURC.s, as HRMP channels with Pendulum are already established.


:heart: Expanding user base and target audience to Europe.

SatoshiPay is currently using the token for instantly selling crypto and receive EUR in a bank account (with Instant SEPA) in their

I see additional utilities for Moobeam protocols to support that journey (DEX, lending)

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Interesting one. Could you describe the liquidity deployment plan here? Will you create a stable/stable pool or rather a GLMR/EURC pool?
If so, on Stellaswap?


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We’re in discussion StellaSwap to define the liquidity plan here. The idea is to start with a stablepool with USDC.
This pool could then be used by apps like Vortex, to identify the better FX rate for the end users.

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