[Proposal: 80] Recover a user's Manta tokens from contract address

Abstract: This proposal is going to recover a user’s Manta tokens from contract address.


User address: 0x3A94122f463f79814B9208257CbffeB4c90D0674

Contract address: 0xffffffff7d3875460d4509eb8d0362c611b4e841

Amount: 19254.062206050160291337 Manta

Tx history: https://moonbeam.subscan.io/extrinsic/0x55daa5e3393041b5849510299588701d374a39f1caa1bbd48f1a4490a76b5b18

This user sent his/her Manta tokens to the contract address three weeks ago. So there’s no way to get Manta tokens back usually.

Workaround: We can use the governance to recover tokens by force transfer.

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Hey @linux6, thanks for putting this together.

How did the user build this call data to transfer tokens to the xcMANTA token contract?

Did he do it via Metamask?

Thanks in advance

hey Alberto, here’s the affected user response

I’m guessing he put the xcMANTA token contract as destination address by mistake.

@aaron.mbf - I think this will require ROOT track and, therefore, a 2M GLMR decision deposit.

Yes . I think this happened to me by mistake

The Moonbeam Foundation is happy to provide a decision deposit for this and let the community decide to support this or not.

However, it may be advisable to wait until the Moonbeam Governance Guild launches in early December because getting the needed support (5.5M GLMR) may be challenging.

A core responsibility of Members of the MGG is to review governance proposals and provide their rationale for voting for or against and to vote using their delegation power as they see fit…


thanks for the update, Aaron

@linux6 - are you going to prepare a governance proposal on behalf of this user? I’m sure @AlbertoV19 can look it over.


Yes, I’'m handling it now.

Based on the following:

I tested the following bytes:


Which is a utility.dispatchAs of the call.

Preimage hash 0x8593387cf540824a06cd034efb006834c8718693020c07742c0903fdd4a74578

And submission via root:


Tested in Chopsticks

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I have submited that proposal on moonbeam.

hey @linux6, thanks for helping the user and submitting the proposal

could you please add a description to the proposal at > Moonbeam Dapps




Thanks Manta team

thanks Moonbeam team

I was sure you wouldn’t leave me alone.

Thanks to the Moonbeam community.

I am very happy that the proposal was successful.

You are so great and honest teams