Michele Iceberg - candidacy for treasury program

Dear Kevin I confirm all about your post, especially last part of course… Just to specify better: Audi Sport mostly😉

Really, thanks a lot for your endorsement, more than appreciated…!!!


I’m an “S” guy, so I’m not in big leagues of the RS Audi Sport. yet … :smiley:


Michele is an excellent candidate and I wholeheartedly endorse this candidacy.


Thanks from the deep of my heart dear Patrik, these words you wrote made me really happy… Much appreciated :pray:


Yep!!! Michele has my support, thanks to him I am collaborating with Icebergnodes as a validator on Polkadex, a very valid person indeed. :muscle::wink::heart:


Thank you a lot my friend you’re doing a great job with Polkadex, keep on it!!!


I believe Michele is an excellent candidate for the council member - he is super motivated about the entire ecosystem, highly responsive to the community, and supporting wherever. He can. I’m sure his contribution to the council will be significant.


CertHum’s voting support will in part go to Michele. In many of the official and unofficial comms channels we see Michele guiding new users, posting important information (technical and non-technical, and generally supporting Moonbeam’s growth.

Being so involved in Iceberg Nodes, along with different teams outside of Moonbeam and his described product experience leads me to believe that Michelle has the critical and analytical skills to be a valuable member of the Treasury Committee.


I am honored of such endorsement dear Jim, you are for sure one of the most trusted and smart player in this eco, your words make me really feel proud of the work done and much more motivated about the next challenges in front of us… Let’s keep on building Moonbeam future, all together as the great Team we are!!!



Hello everyone, Luca from :ice_cube: Iceberg Nodes :ice_cube: here and I couldn’t miss this opportunity to spend some words on @micheleicebergnodes

Michele as CMO @ Iceberg Nodes has an important role, because he is not only representing Iceberg Nodes in the public, but also he is our eyes and ears on community topics and I can say that this role has always been carried out with full responsibility, seriousness and commitment.

When he asked me what I was thinking about his candidacy in object, immediately I thought that this was the right and perfect activity to add to his daily routine because I think he has the right qualities requested for this role. Also I think that will be an optimal opportunity for him to increase his support towards Moonbeam and at the same time a fantastic and motiving activity that will increase his experience in the crypto space!

I conclude this message by wishing him all the luck with his candidacy! :love_you_gesture: :heart:


Thanks a lot Luca for your words here… Greatly appreciated. By working with Iceberg I had (and I continuously have) opportunity to know a lot of people around the many DotSama Communities, and this allowed me to grow a lot not only as a professional but also as a human being.
I will always be grateful for this.
As you know Iceberg supports many parachains but for sure Moonbeam is where my hearth definitely pulse stronger. I am really committed to this community and my candidacy as you said here is in line with my path and philosophy:
To Serve is what matters.

Thanks again Luca!



I want to express my support for Michele. We together co-moderate a Telegram group “Moonbeam/River Unofficial (Official)” . Michele is the person who pays the most attention to this chat and is always aware of what’s going on. And he give a lot of support for community. I also like that Michele is not afraid to ask for advice if he is unsure about what to do. That’s a good quality.

Since I am also a candidate, I won’t be able to vote for you, my friend. But I am confident that if you are elected, you will become an excellent member of the council :saluting_face:


Thanks a lot dear Vladimir!!!
Indeed you got one big point about me: I never pretend to know. If any lack of knowledge on some specific topic I gladly recognize it in order to fill the gap asap.

Again, thanks for your words!!!



I want to express my support for Michele, i’m also an early moonbeam supporter so i know he really gave a lot of support for the community. He’s respectful, committed, dedicated and know’s what he’s talking about and has the knowledge and the patience to help other people in the community. I think…no i know, he has the right qualities requested for this role. GL Michele!


Thanks a lot dear Cyril for your endorsement, very much appreciated!!!

I assure you that words like yours repay all the efforts of months, so grateful!!!

Let’s keep in touch!!!


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Even if with some delay, my Friend let me say thank you a lot for your post, more than appreciated, especially because we share not only the adventure of being inside Staking (and also your assistance to the Community in this perspective is great) but also because inside Unofficial group more than once you helped a lot people to razionalize scenarios considering real data and facts… This is simply Key during a Bear market period!!! Thanks for being with us in this journey Mate!!!

Keep in touch!



I’m fully supporting Michele.


Hi, I’m Cris currently leading Polkadot Insider.

I have a fully respect with Michele after a while in contact with him, always supportive, always logical and unbiased on his decision to vote/support anyone, including us.

I’m strongly convinced that Michele would be an amazing candidate for this program.

Good luck,


Hi Michele,
It is great to read your candidacy post!
Good luck in the next stage - weighted snapshot!