XCM Disclosure: Integritee

XCM Disclosure: Integritee

Network Information:

Integritee is a decentralized network which is utilizing Confidential Computing to provide a scalable infrastructure for web3.

As of now, decentralized networks are in a trilemma with Scalability, Security and Confidentiality. Integritee is solving this by leveraging the power of trusted execution environments. Horizontal scalability up to 1โ€™000โ€™000 TPS, a block time of 300ms and configurable privacy will serve the next billion users of web3.

Q1: Is the Blockchain Code Open-Source (and include Github link)?:
If parts of the code are not open source: please provide information on why not

  • A1: Yes it is.

GitHub: Integritee Network ยท GitHub

Q2: Is Sudo-enabled on the Network? If Sudo is disabled, is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses?

  • A2: Sudo is disabled. All changes to the protocol must pass through public referendums.

Q3: Is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses (<50 addresses)?

  • A3: The network is controlled by a Council and a Technical Committee.

Q4: Have you completed full testing of this integration in Moonbase Alpha?

  • A4: Yes, integration has been tested on Moonbase Alpha.

Q5: (For Moonbeam XCM/HRMP Proposals Only) Does your network have a Kusama deployment? If yes, please provide Network name and whether your Kusama deployment is integrated with Moonriver

  • A5: Does not apply.

Q6: Is your blockchain code Audited? If yes, please provide: i. the name of Auditors, ii. dates of audit reports and, if available, links to audit reports.

  • A6: We have conducted significant internal audits. Most of our codebase is standard substrate code that has already undergone auditing.