Title: XCM Disclosure: SORA Network
Network Information:
Brief description of Network: “SORA is an adaptive, non-debt-based monetary framework built to enable a high economic growth.”
- Network website: https://sora.org/
- Network Twitter: x.com
- Network Discord: SORA World
- Network Telegram: Telegram: Contact @sora_xor
Q1: Is the Blockchain Code Open-Source (and include Github link)?:
If parts of the code are not open source: please provide information on why not
- A1: SORA is an Open Source Project. There may however be tooling within the project which might not be open source.
Q2: Is Sudo-enabled on the Network? If Sudo is disabled, is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses?
- A2: Sudo is NOT enabled. SORA uses the same pallet as Polkadot Goverenance V1 (Council, Tech Comm. etc)
Q3: Is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses (<50 addresses)?
- A3: Anyone can propose a motion on SORA, but since it still uses the Polkadot V1 governance model with a token-based voting system, accounts holding larger amounts of XOR may exert greater influence.
Q4: Have you completed full testing of this integration in Moonbase Alpha?
- A4: Partial Test Completed (only XOR register and HRMP has been tested)
Q5: (For Moonbeam XCM/HRMP Proposals Only) Does your network have a Kusama deployment? If yes, please provide Network name and whether your Kusama deployment is integrated with Moonriver
- A5: Yes, SORA has SORA Kusama Parachain (Paraid: 2,011) There is no current bidirectional HRMP to Moonriver, however we are happy to open one.
Q6: Is your blockchain code Audited? If yes, please provide: i. the name of Auditors, ii. dates of audit reports and, if available, links to audit reports.
- A6: Yes, aspects of SORA code have been audited by Tevora on 1/04/2021. Audit can be found here