Network Information:
Centrifuge is the infrastructure that facilitates the decentralized financing of real-world assets natively on-chain, creating a fully transparent market which allows borrowers and lenders to transact without unnecessary intermediaries. Asset pools are fully collateralized, liquidity providers have legal recourse, and the protocol is asset-class agnostic with pools for assets spanning mortgages, invoices, microlending and consumer finance. Ultimately, the protocol aims to lower the cost of borrowing for businesses around the world, while providing DeFi users with a stable source of collateralized yield that is uncorrelated to the volatile crypto markets. By bringing the entire structured credit market on-chain across securitization, tokenization, privacy, governance, and liquidity integrations, Centrifuge is building a more transparent, affordable, and limitless financial system.
- Network website:
- Network Twitter:
- Network Discord: Centrifuge (Official)
- Network Telegram: Telegram: Contact @centrifuge_chat
Q1: Is the Blockchain Code Open-Source (and include Github link)?:_
- A1: All of our code base is open-source. The repository of the Centrifuge Chain can be found at
Q2: Is Sudo-enabled on the Network? If Sudo is disabled, is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses?
- A2: Sudo is disabled for both the Centrifuge and the Altair runtimes (the latter being the canary runtime running on Kusama). The network is controlled through the Council and the Centrifuge general community.
Q3: Is the Network controlled by a select group of addresses (<50 addresses)?
- A3: No. The Centrifuge chain has a Council of 9 members but it is the larger community of token holders who controls the network.
Q4: Have you completed full testing of this integration in Moonbase Alpha?
- A4: We have a node on the Moonbase Alpha testnet running our Centrifuge runtime, where we have opened XCM channels with Moonbase and ran several xcm messages bidirectionally.
Q5: (For Moonbeam XCM/HRMP Proposals Only) Does your network have a Kusama deployment? If yes, please provide Network name and whether your Kusama deployment is integrated with Moonriver
- A5: We have a parachain on Kusama, called Altair. We have not yet integrate with Moonriver on Kusama since there is no business case between Moonriver and Altair at the moment.
Q6: Is your blockchain code Audited?
A6: All the public audit reports cab be found here: security/audits at main · centrifuge/security · GitHub. It’s worth mentioning additionally that
is auditing Centrifuge Chain on an ongoing basis.