Uniswap Onboarding Package

After a lot of productive discussions with the Uniswap DAO by the Moonbeam BD team, I’m pleased to announce that the Uniswap DAO announced a $250K “onboarding package”; as well as the deployment of the Merkle Distributor to Moonbeam. To ensure that this passed on the Uniswap DAO side, the Foundation has decided to augment this with $100K worth of GLMR from foundation funds. The Uniswap DAO now voted on this proposal and it was passed with overwhelming support.

The combined $350K of incentives will be deployed on June 14th.

It is worth noting that while the Uniswap Smart Contracts are the native smart contracts that are managed directly by the DAO, the Uniswap front-end (https://app.uniswap.org/) is managed by a separate organization and they have taken the decision to not deploy to other chains outside Ethereum and the L2s.

That means that for chains like Moonbeam, users must access the Uniswap protocol through the Oku front-end (https://oku.trade/?swap_chain=moonbeam). This obviously does not yet have the same brand-awareness as https://app.uniswap.org, but Oku did receive funding from the Uniswap foundation to build this UI and part of the intent behind the onboarding package that was voted on by the Uniswap DAO is to get Uniswap + Oku more traction on the chains they’re deployed on - the DAO wants to see Oku.trade succeed.

We are very excited about this new chapter with Uniswap and the potential it unlocks for both parties. The vote for the incentives package was passed with overwhelming support by the Uniswap DAO - this indicates the level of confidence Uniswap has in the Moonbeam ecosystem and its potential.


Thanks a lot for this update dear Sicco!!!
Is there any specific action we can try to lead with our amazing Community to make this Uniswap Oku story a success story in the near future?
We really deserve more visibility and this seems a good vector for such purpose… Any specific growth iniziative from Uniswap DAO incoming soon about Oku (on top of what you already reported) ?

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hey @micheleicebergnodes,

I think the biggest thing that the community could do is to actually give Oku.trade a try. We’re one of only 15 chains that has Uniswap integrated, but Moonbeam TVL on Uniswap is really low.

This “incentives care package” is intended to alleviate that but obviousy people need to use the application and take advantage of it. From the Foundations side, we’re very much planning to highlight this along with the other ecosystem grant initiatives to try and draw community awareness to the protocol.


Thank you a lot Sicco, from my side I will spread as much as possible among our community members this message, totally agree with you, the bare minimum we can do is to give it a try, let’s do it!!!