[Referendum:94] Upgrade Moonbeam to RT2302

The Moonbeam Council proposes to upgrade the Moonbeam’s runtime to version 2302.

Runtime 2302 release note :


Important information:

The network has been experiencing significant performance degradation due to abnormal behavior.
As a measure to address this issue, the Moonbeam Council proposes to fast-track the deployment of RT 2302 to the Moonbeam network.
This will ensure that transactions are properly priced based on the amount of gas being used, thus slowing down transactions that are clogging the network and increasing the size of the chain state.

Important updates:

  • Moonbeam is now relying on pallet Randomness for block authoring selection. Alphanet & Moonriver were already changed. (see #2135)
  • Moonbeam changed both MinCandidateStk and MinCollatorStk constants to the value of 2,000,000 GLMR. (see #2174)
  • Add Registry Precompile: Improves security and change management for smart contract developers by making it easier for to know when a precompile is active. (see #2138)
  • Migration of XCM Transactor v2 to v3, includes many changes. (see #2145)
  • Moonbeam is now using our dynamic fee algorithm. (see #2166)

Runtime 2301 release note :


More information can found here in the Community Forum
If the proposal is approved by the Community, Moonbeam Runtime will be upgraded to RT2302 after 1 day of voting.

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