[Referendum: 101] Nodle Proposal to Open Channel & Register NODL

Nodle Proposal to Open Channel & Register NODL

Nodle Network Disclosure XCM Disclosure : Nodle


This batched proposal is to Accept/Open an HRMP channel with Nodle Network and Register Asset xcNODL. We would like to hear your feedback


We propose to open a bi-directional channel between Moonbeam and Nodle. Initially, the main use case will be to transfer NODL between the two chains, but it can be further expanded to other use cases, for example transfer of USDC, DOT and ETH. Nodle is already in discussion with StellaSwap and seeks to enable wNODL on ETH through Moonbeam bridges.

The proposal includes the NODL asset registration as xcNODL, with the following details:

  • Multilocation: ‘{ “parents”: 1, “interior”: { “X2”: [{ “Parachain”: 2026 }, {“PalletInstance”: “2”}]}}’

  • Decimals: 11

  • Name: Nodle

  • Symbol: NODL

xcNODL will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:

  • Asset ID: 309163521958167876851250718453738106865

  • XC-20 address: 0xffffffffe896ba7cb118b9fa571c6dc0a99deff1

On-Chain Proposal Reference

On-Chain Proposal #[30] with the associated hash: 0x4d121b8b0fba896a8a1e33533124c280e6b86801ff733d04fc2d9c7ab081aa1d


Link to the on-chain proposal:

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