Q2/Q3 RPC Service Provider Treasury Proposals

Proposal: OnFinality High Performance Public Infrastructure

Abstract - Proposal for the continuation of running of high performance, scalable, and reliable public infrastructure for the Moonbeam, Moonbase Alpha and Moonriver networks in Q3 and Q4.

Overall Cost -

We are requesting a fixed price of $8,000 per calendar month for Moonbeam & Moonbase Alpha (combined) and $5,000 per month for Moonriver. It is no surprised that our fixed price would be the highest as we are the largest RPC Service provider in the Moonbeam ecosystem and have been for years - generally serving hundreds of millions of requests every single day. Cost optimisation is a huge driving factor for us, which is why our pricing is actually one of the lowest based on cost per million requests.

Competitive Advantages -

  • OnFinality is the only provider with trace API, this is required for scanners and other data teams (read our recent case study here)
  • OnFinality is the only provider that provides API insights to consumers (read more here)
  • OnFinality is the largest RPC provider in the world in terms of networks supported
  • We are one of only two that allow private API keys
  • We have run Moonbeam and Moonriver bootnodes for the community for years
  • We have proven reliability of 99.9% which is always available to check here: https://status.onfinality.io/, meanwhile other RPC providers to not share apublic uptime status page

Full Proposal can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xwEOaNQkOaHFsx619UfHZZfeN1xVdHJD7jCBvEWrsoA/edit?usp=sharing