[Proposal MR52] Return User Assets Stuck in Moonriver Sovereign Account

Abstract - This is a whitelist track proposal is to return assets for affected users that are stuck in Moonriver Sovereign Accounts on Kusama, AssetHub-Kusama and other Kusama parachains due to x-chain transfer issues related the recent change in XCM fees.

For a complete explanation of the cause of the issues, how the impacted accounts were discovered and how a solution was developed, please see this forum post.


Link to the on-chain proposal:

Happy to report that the proposal was executed correctly, and all original holders should have their funds back.

Holders in Kusama → Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer

Holders in Bifrost (KSM) → Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer

Holders in Karura (KSM) → Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer

Holders in MangataX (KSM) → Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer

And RMRK Holders in AssetHub-Kusama → Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer


Thank you @AlbertoV19 !

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Thank @AlbertoV19 for a doing this so quickly and efficiently and for keeping us updated throughout the process. All affected RMRK users are happy with the outcome and very super pleased with regular updates