Now that AH-Polkadot is a reserve of DOT from Moonbeam, this means you can send/receive DOT and xcDOT from AH-Polkadot and Moonbeam (without having to go through the Polkadot Relay chain).
Nevertheless, it would be best to have liquidity in Moonbeam’s Sovereign Account in AH-Polkadot to “pay up” the xcDOT withdrawals.
This proposal moves 15% of the DOT existing in Moonbeams’s Sovereign account from Polkadot to AH-Polkadot.
Reserve XCM transfers are similar to bank deposits and withdrawals. When you want to bring your DOT to Moonbeam, you can go to a Moonbeam bank in Polkadot and make the deposit there. Next, Moonbeam issues an xcDOT in Moonbeam Country.
Now, Moonbeam has opened a new branch in AH-Polkadot Country that takes DOTs, but it needs liquidity to pay customers who are withdrawing their xcDOT there.
The proposal is comprised of an XCM Message executed in Polkadot. When enacted, the XCM transfers 15% of the DOT (when this code was executed, it can be more or less when the proposal executes) to Moonbeam’s Sovereign account in AH-Polkadot.
The proposal was tested by another engineer and verified with Chopsticks to ensure its correctness.
Testing in Chopsticks
Balance Before:
Polkadot: 1,512,679.3173145527 DOT
AssetHub: 1.8407124050 DOT
Total: 1,512,681.1580269577 DOT
Execution in Moonbeam:
Execution in Polkadot:
Execution in AH-Polkadot;
Balance After:
Polkadot: 1285834.3694786099 DOT
AssetHub: 226846.7365130879 DOT
Total: 1,512,681.1059916978 DOT
The difference in -0.0520352599 DOT
can be attributed to the XCM execution fees in Polkadot and AH-Polkadot.
Let me know if there are any questions