Title - [Proposal: Fund the cost of development of Polkassembly for OpenGov on Moonbase and Moonbeam] [Status: Idea]
Abstract - Polkassembly team has worked on developing and migrating the governance frontend for Moonbase & Moonbeam to OpenGov from Gov1. Additionally multiple features have been launched to ease adoption of OpenGov.
Motivation - OpenGov is a critical change in the governance infrastructure and post Polkadot, Kusama & Moonriver network migration to OpenGov, Moonbeam team has done the same. Polkassembly supports Moonbeam networks’ governance and the team worked closely to help migrate the frontend for Moonbase & Moonbeam to OpenGov
Project Overview and Team Experience - Polkassembly is the primary governance forum for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem. Moonbeam & ecosystem chains have been using Polkassembly for over a year for enabling community led governance for the parachains.
Rationale - OpenGov introduces an dynamic community led governance which eliminates the need for council and further democratises the governance mechanism.
Overall Cost - The development and migration is complete and the total cost is $18250
8000$ for Moonbase Work
3750$ For Moonbeam Work
3500$ for Notification/Alerts & Search Deployment
3000$ for Product Features mentioned in proposal like Threshold Curves, AI Summary, & Timeline Information & more.
Use of Treasury Funds - Moonriver and Moonbeam networks have been successfully migrated to OpenGov.
Full proposal Link: Moonbeam Proposal Link
Proposal will be submitted after feedback from the forum.