Possible Solutions for Unsustainable Storage Growth

Table of Contents



Moonbeam and Moonriver have historically provided Web3 developers and users a low fee environment in which to experiment with Moonbeam’s connected contract capabilities. However, as the Moonbeam and Moonriver ecosystems continue to mature, so too must the fee model to ensure long term sustainability and scalability.

As discussed in this previous forum post, a Dynamic Fee model had already been in the process of making its way to Moonbeam but it became necessary to accelerate this effort due to a particular use case which was causing a rapid increase in the size of chain storage which was clearly not sustainable.

While the addition of Dynamic Fees resulted in the rate of growth of storage to decrease, it has only bought time - long term sustainability remains at risk.

A fundamental reason for this is that the fee model on Moonbeam and Moonriver was implemented in such a way as to maximize compatibility with Ethereum and this model disproportionately leans towards transaction compute costs over storage costs. When one considers that the current model is to pay once to store data forever, it becomes clear to the reader that this could be problematic and that fees related to data storage must be appropriately set.

Here is the rate of growth as of May 24th. The effect of Dynamic Fees is visible but storage continues to grow at an alarming rate :

(Blue: Accounts, Red: Smart Contracts)

Purpose of Post

Over the past few weeks, many of the Moonbeam core developers have been discussing various ways that the fee model could be modified in order to drive better alignment between user/developer behavior and long term sustainability.

The purpose of this post is to provide a high level summary of possible solutions to the community in order to provide the community with an opportunity to weigh in on these proposals, ask questions and provide feedback.

For each proposal, a link to a corresponding MBIP (Moonbeam Improvement Proposal) in GitHub is provided where the technical specifics are detailed. Engineering oriented discussions on specific implementation details should be discussed there.

Each of these proposals have potentially far reaching implications for the Moonriver and Moonbeam networks, users, developers and other stakeholders. The implementation and adoption of one or more of these solutions can only occur with the approval of the community through governance.


Given the potential impact of these proposals on the core protocol, it is critical that the community is provided ample time to provide feedback. Moreover, the implementation of one or more of these solutions is a non-trivial amount of work and should only commence once the community has indicated its support.

Assuming the change would be introduced in Runtime 2500, here is a tentative timeline (subject to change based on feedback, additional research from core engineers, etc.):

  • Community Feedback: Today through June 14th
  • Snapshot Vote: June 14th to June 21st
  • Development: June 21st to July 5th
  • Runtime 2500 Deployment Cycle - July 5th through August 6th

Proposals (MBIPs)

List of MBIPs and Evaluation

As various approaches were considered, they were evaluated in the context of 3 scenarios on Moonbeam which impact storage size:

  1. Creation of a new account (EOAs as well as contracts)
  2. Storage of a Smart Contract
  3. Storage of data within a Smart Contract

At this time, there are 5 proposals presented for discussion:

  • MBIP-1: Smart Contract Creation Deposit
  • MBIP-2: Storage Data Deposit
  • MBIP-3: Storage Rent Mechanism
  • MBIP-4: Storage Base Fee
  • MBIP-5: Gas-Based Storage Limit

These proposals vary in terms of which of the 3 storage categories they address. In theory, some of these proposals could be used in combination with one another as part of a holistic approach.

A summary of each proposal is provided below and considered from the perspective of the following criteria:

  • Storage Categories Addressed: A, B and/or C as per above
  • Cost to Grief Network: Relative amount of cost in GLMR to grief the network from storage spam. (Based on a number of assumptions but should be useful to understand the order of magnitude)
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: How much does this deviate from Ethereum Compatibility (low=good, high=bad)
  • Impact to End-User Experience: Extent to which end-user experience is negatively impacted (low=good, high=bad)
  • Impact to Developer Experience: Extent to which end-user experience is negatively impacted (low=good, high=bad)

MBIP-1: Smart Contract Creation Deposit

This solution proposes that a deposit would be required in order to deploy a Smart Contract. The deposit would be proportional to the size of the contract plus any overhead and would be taken from the account sending the transaction that resulted in the creation of the contract.

The deposit is linked to the contract itself. If and when the contract is destroyed, the deposit would be returned to the depositor account.

This proposal addresses:

  • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract

This would primarily impact projects who are deploying smart contracts but it should be noted that this goes beyond dApp developers since in some use cases, a user may interact with a smart contract which turns around and creates one or more new contracts (eg. creating a multisig, launchpads, etc).

The deposit could either be debited from the overall account balance or, it could be “reserved” (ie. the deposit remains with the address but is not part of the transferable amount).

Either way, the deposit would not be visible via the Ethereum RPC which may confuse users. That is, it would not appear in EVM based Wallets or in Moonscan and a user may not realize when signing a transaction that a deposit will be deducted from their balance (for example, when creating a new Moonsafe multisig). Moreover, a user could interact with a contract that in turn creates many new contracts causing the entire user balance being used for deposit.

These compatibility issues could perhaps be mitigated by including the deposit amount as part of the overall “value” used in the transaction but would require developers to take this into consideration in developing/maintaining their dApps and it’s unclear if they’d follow this approach and would be a special case for their Moonbeam deployment (as compared to other EVM chains).

MBIP-1 Summary

  • Storage Categories Addressed:
  • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
  • Cost to Grief Network: Very High
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: Medium
  • Impact to User Experience: Medium
  • Impact to Developer Experience: Medium
  • MBIP-1 Draft Technical Specifications

MBIP-2: Storage Data Deposit

In this proposal, whenever a user executes a transaction that increases the storage size of the chain, a deposit is taken (or reserved) from the sender proportional to the increase in storage size and added to the sender’s overall “deposit balance”. Unlike MBIP-1, the deposit is linked to the user (sender), not the contract.

Conversely, whenever a user executes a transaction that decreases the storage size of the chain, a portion of the sender’s “deposit balance” proportional to the decrease in size is returned/freed. (Note that the “deposit balance” can never go below zero so it is not possible for a user to receive/free more tokens than they had ever deposited/reserved.)

This proposal addresses:

  • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
  • Optionally, Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract

It should be noted that it is compatible with MBIP-1, “Smart Contract Creation Deposit”.

This would impact many if not most users in some form or another. For example, a user would incur a deposit when first using any smart contract which records balances or other information related to their account. If extended to cover contract creation, then developers would also be impacted.

There are many similarities to MBIP-1:

  • the deposit could either be debited from the overall account balance or, it could be “reserved” (ie. the deposit remains with the address but is not part of the transferable amount).
  • the deposit would not be visible via the Ethereum RPC which may confuse users (it would not appear in EVM based Wallets or in Moonscan).
  • a user could interact with a contract that generates a huge amount of storage causing the entire user balance being used for deposit.
  • compatibility issues could be mitigated by incorporating the deposit into the “value” of the transaction but would require developers to take this into consideration

A variant of this solution would be to make the deposit dynamic such that for a given transaction, a higher deposit would be required when the rate of storage growth is high and lower deposit when the rate of growth decreases. However, this would need to be carefully thought through in order to discourage any attempts at gaming based on speculation the price will go up or down.

MBIP-2 Summary

  • Storage Categories Addressed:
    • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
    • Optionally, Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
  • Cost to Grief Network: High
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: Medium
  • Impact to User Experience: Medium
  • Impact to Developer Experience: Medium
  • MBIP-2 Draft Technical Specifications

MBIP-3: Smart Contract Rent Mechanism

Similar to MBIP-1, this solution proposes that a deposit would be required in order to deploy a Smart Contract and the deposit remains linked to the contract.

However, this deposit would essentially act as prepaid rent for contract storage (the contract itself and any data stored). Rental fees are charged at a set rate of GLMR per Byte per Year (or MOVR on Moonriver). Rent would be deducted from the deposit balance over time and the amount of rent due would vary according to the data stored in the Smart Contract. (The exact mechanics of this are explained in detail in the proposal specifications).

If the contract is called by a transaction but the rent deposit balance has been exhausted (ie. the contract has been deployed for longer than for which rent has been paid), the transaction would fail and the transaction would be reverted.

This mechanism has the advantage that, provided the rent is paid up, there’s no change in behavior for end users interacting with contracts. However, if/when there are failures, this could be confusing for end users.

However, App Developers would need to ensure that their rent is paid up and, depending on the implementation and/or use case, the rent could become prohibitively expensive over time.

Perhaps a clean up mechanism could be implemented whereby contracts that haven’t had rent paid for some long period of time are destroyed.

However, the implications of any such cleanup mechanism would require careful consideration since the contract may contain token balances, etc. There are also potential catastrophic risks associated with contracts being destroyed and re-created in a state where they could be subject to a replay attack (eg. a bridge contract).

MBIP-3 Summary

  • Storage Categories Addressed:
    • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
    • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
  • Cost to Grief Network: High
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: Medium
  • Impact to User Experience: Low
  • Impact to Developer Experience: High
  • MBIP-3 Draft Technical Specifications

MBIP-4: Storage Base Fee

In this solution, “Storage Base Fee” is introduced (similar to the EIP-1559 idea of a “Base Fee”). The fee would be dynamic, computed at each block based on the previous change in storage size. The fee would be expressed in GWEI per byte (unit of storage).

The Storage Base Fee would be calculated based on the increase/decrease of storage from the previous block, and would be incorporated into the calculation of the Base Fee for the next block.

This proposal addresses:

  • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
  • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
  • Optionally, Category A: Creation of a new account

In this model, the cost to execute a transaction becomes:

total cost = units of gas used * gas base fee + units of storage used * storage base fee

This solution has the advantage that there are no complexities involving deposits and for the most part, doesn’t stray very far in terms of Ethereum compatibility.

However, when a client makes an RPC call to get the base fee, only one value can be returned so the question is how to incorporate the storage base fee into the overall base fee returned.

There are a few options for computing the Base Fee returned by this RPC call. In the simplest case, you could just add the gas base fee and storage base fee together. However, this may lead to users overpaying for transactions by a relatively large amount.

Another approach could take into account an amount of bytes (units) of storage per block that the community feels is sustainable in the long term, target max storage. Thus, we can derive what should be considered a sustainable ratio of units of storage to units of gas - target storage to gas ratio.

The RPC call could then be made to multiply the storage base fee by this ratio before adding it to the gas base fee. Assuming a target max storage in the order of 50,000 bytes, the weight of the storage fee is greatly reduced and the base fee returned by the RPC server will be much closer to the expected gas fee.

The idea is that for transactions where the ratio of storage increase to gas use is relatively low, the value returned by the RPC call will be sufficient. However, if a given transaction has a relatively high ratio of storage to gas, the user may have to manually bump the gas price as the value returned by the RPC call will not be enough.

The actual value used for target max storage would require some study to strike a good balance.

MBIP-4 Summary

  • Storage Categories Addressed:
    • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
    • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
    • Optionally, Category A: Creation of a new account
  • Cost to Grief Network: High
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: Low
  • Impact to User Experience: Medium
  • Impact to Developer Experience: Low
  • MBIP-4 Draft Technical Specifications

MBIP-5: Gas-Based Storage Limit

In this solution, a transaction would consume additional gas based on the storage used. This will be reflected in the gas estimation call of the transaction, as returned by Moonbeam’s Ethereum JSON RPC.

This proposal addresses:

  • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
  • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract

Similar to a variant of MBIP-4, the cost to execute a transaction incorporates the storage used and the community would decide upon an amount of bytes (units) of storage per block that the community feels is sustainable in the long term (target max storage) - perhaps something in the order of 40,000 bytes.

This value would be used to derive a healthy ratio of gas units to storage units per block, the target gas to storage ratio. (Note this is the inverse of the ratio in MBIP-4.)

In this model, the cost to execute a transaction becomes:

total cost = units of gas used * gas base fee + units of storage used * target gas to storage ratio

Also similar to MBIP-4, this solution has the advantage that there are no complexities involving deposits and for the most part, doesn’t stray very far in terms of Ethereum compatibility. The current implementation of Moonbeam’s Ethereum JSON RPC, and therefore, Ethereum tooling should work out of the box.

However, this could lead to blocks being considered full due to storage limits leading to under utilization from a computational perspective.

Additionally, this could cause problems for contracts that estimate gas to forward on to other contracts/function calls to fail as the contract developer may have already put fixed gas estimates into their contracts. For example, a call hardcoded in a smart contract like:

address(_address).call{gas: 1000000}(…)

MBIP-5 Summary

  • Storage Categories Addressed:
    • Category B: Storage of a Smart Contract
    • Category C: Storage of data within a Smart Contract
  • Cost to Grief Network: Very High
  • Impact to Ethereum Compatibility: Low
  • Impact to User Experience: Low
  • Impact to Developer Experience: Low
  • MBIP-5 Draft Technical Specifications

MBIP Comparison Chart

1- SC Creation Deposit 2 - Data Storage Deposit 3 - Storage Rent Mechanism 4 - Storage Base Fee 5 - Gas-Based Storage Limit
A - Address Creation No No No Maybe No
B - Contract Code Storage Yes Maybe Yes Yes Yes
C -Contract Data Storage No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cost to Grief Network Very High High High High Very High
Impact to Eth Compatibility Med Med Med Low Low
Impact to User Experience Med Med Low Med Low
Impact to Developer Experience Med Med High Low Low

hey, Aaron, thank you very much for bringing it up!

Given the technical nature of the solution, it is really important for devs building on Moonbeam & Moonriver to actively participate in this topic and ask questions / provide input. I believe that a collaborative approach allows us to better understand the merits of the proposal and the potential consequences.

By involving the development teams, they can contribute their expertise and insights, ensuring that the proposed changes align with the needs and expectations of the projects being built on Moonbeam & Moonriver. involvement of devs can also help identify any potential challenges or considerations that may arise during the implementation. their input can ensure that the solution is well-rounded, addresses the technical aspects effectively, and takes into account the needs and concerns of the ecosystem’s stakeholders


Although I understand approaches 1-3, I’m worried how they deviate from the typical deployment structure and interaction when compared to other EVM implementations. This will just create very complicated dynamics that are not standard and have a big impact in both user experience and developer experience. This might drive devs away from Moonbeam.

On the other hand, proposal 4 & 5 will also create some differences with typical EVM implementations, but at least they’ll be sort of hidden behind the Ethereum JSON RPC. Therefore, in theory, while these implementations are not standard, they should have minimal impact on developer and user experience. Generally it will just be higher gas fees on some scenarios.

I personally like option 5. Specially if EVM gas estimations can take into account the change in state the transaction is doing and reflect that by increasing the minimum gas requirements of that tx. It is true that this should mean tx throughput might be affected, but:

  1. With Async Backing and further enhancements down the road, the maximum gas per block could be easily increase by 4x - 10x. Therefore (hopefully) throughput should not be impacted
  2. Devs should store only the bare minimum info on the Blockchain, and rely on events that can be retrieved by indexers to store and retrieve data in a cheaper and more efficient way

The main problem I see with 5 is what was mentioned of contracts that might have some gas limit hard coded for some calls. But this is not widely used IMO.

Anyways, my two cents, but would love to see discussions on the different ptoposals!


Overall, I am leaning more towards MBIP-5 as it seems to offer the most transparency for EVM users and retains a mechanism that feels more in line with Ethereum’s approach to managing smart contracts. In addition to this, I feel like this MBIP encourage developers to optimize and take care of their contracts as the cost for a user to use their protocol may become a key difference with protocols that offer similar functionalities.

Appart from this I want to drop one question regarding the deposits on smart contract creation,

From MBIP-1

When the Smart Contract gets destroyed, the deposit is restored to the depositor.

How would the contract destruction work? The selfdestruct opcode got deprecated and will be replaced by a new OPCODE with a different functionality to fit better on Ethereum’s roadmap. Smart Contracts using an older compiler version should still be able to be destroyed but not the ones using the newest compiler versions. And a following up question, would we consider that the deposit is lost/locked in the case Ethereum finally replaces selfdestruct and we follow their path due to compatibility ?


Hi Guys,

I’ve spoken to the contracts developers within the project and from a genuine on-chain usecase, our preferred solution would be 1 and 3 as 2 and 4 i think it will affect our base transaction cost which is something our users care a lot about as we do a lot of interactions onchain and increasing tx cost would affect our user-base.


Updated the account growth chart in the main post so that it’s as of May 25th, 2023.


Great post with a lot of juicy detail @aaron.mbf. Reducing complexity for those that are experienced in using and deploying to Ethereum compatible chains seems like it should have a higher weighting, and that lends itself to 4/5. But as I am not a developer my own view should be weighted less, so I would rather support the consensus of those actually building the dApps (assuming they have user experience in mind when considering the options).

With regard to address creation, is it not such of an issue that an existential deposit has not been implemented or considered for this?


Hello everyone,

I’m part of the developer team at StellaSwap. Evaluating the effects of MBIPs 1-3, I find that they complicate matters, negatively affecting both the user and developer experience.

However, MBIP-5 presents a promising solution, where it minimizes the negative impact on both user and developer experiences. From a computational under utilization standpoint, it could be okay if it means simplifying the user experience.

When it comes to employing {gas:} in our smart contracts, we always pass gasLimit as a parameter. I propose we look into the quantity of contracts on moonscan that use hardcoded values, which I suspect will be few.

Overall, this approach promotes optimal practices in smart contract development.


Noah from DAM here!
Not to parrot exactly what Alberto has written down, but I also agree that 1-3 are complicated from a UI pov as well as straying from the well-known baselines of EVM contract usage. Barriers to entry should always be kept extremely low in my opinion, and these proposals would directly contradict that philosophy.

4 and 5 make the most sense to me, with 5 probably edging out the win in my head, again because of low barrier to entry from a user POV. I would also agree that hardcoded values on gas usage are (or at least shouldn’t be) common anyway, so that drawback doesn’t really hold much weight imo. Underutilization from a compute perspective makes the alarm bells start ringing a little bit, but I would need to know more in order to weigh it properly. Is it the case where blocks are getting to 80% usage and storage says no more, or one where they’re getting to 20% usage and storage says no more? Do we have any benchmarks on that?


My main issue with 4 and 5 is that they seem to be an ingress-based model that does not account for the time dimension of storage. If we want to store some data indefinitely like Arweave then it could work, but if we want to incentivize state size hygiene, then it’s not the right economic model.

Would it be possible to ask users to pay an extra “storage subsidy” when they use a contract? Something like…

total cost = (units of gas used + subsidy gas surcharge) * gas base fee

The subsidy would be based on

  • current storage rent payable = storage * time - previous paid subsidies
  • contract tx rate to split the subsidy among multiple users

At the end of the day, the economic model must find a way to balance contract utility with storage costs.

  • A contract with large state should be OK if users are OK with paying for its high TX fees (the assumption is that are OK because of its high utility).
  • Lots of transactions indicate higher utility and decrease gas costs because the subsidy is split among more (active) users.
  • As the contract state grows txs will become more expensive, so developers are incentivized to design contracts that keep state size under control.
  • The contract storage funding scales up with active users/transactions

Potential issues

  • Not sure if wallets would play along the contract-dependant gas fee calculation
  • A contract with many dormant users and a lot of state would become expensive for new users

total cost = (units of gas used + subsidy gas surcharge) * gas base fee

I’m intrigued by this idea, but I see some problems with it. I’ll mention just a couple here:

  • There’s sort of a “Tragedy of the Commons” problem because if I want to use some contract that is expensive, what I really want is to wait for someone else to use it first and then use it immediately afterward. If this is everyone’s strategy, then no one will use a contract and the longer this “game” goes on, the worse it gets.

  • The model seems clear when a transaction directly calls a contract, but what about various forms of subcalls? Should I have to pay this rent on contract B when contract A calls contract B? For that matter, not all accesses to a contract are equal. The approach could be modified to take the size of an operation into account, but this gets complicated quickly.

Concerning the state size hygiene, I feel it is acceptable to consider a constant growth, as our hardware and technology is evolving over time, however we have to make sure it doesn’t grow faster

@aaron.mbf GM!

I feel that this is unneeded. Should we not be talking about storage itself and figuring out ways to better handle storage? I think that these MBIP’s target active users and the cost would drive users from Moonbeam. What drives people to moonbeam is the low transaction fees, that is what will drive both EVM users and XCM users to moonbeam. We want to incentivize people using our chain, right now that incentive is lower gas fees. By driving the fees up, people will go to other chains. If I have to pay a fee that I don’t even get to see or know, every time I create a new LP contract or a fee to provide LP or vault or other contract interaction why would I want to do that? Masking low transaction fees with a hidden deposit seems like stealing to me. Some of the MBIP’s remind me of a monolithic chain, like Solana, every time a new token is deposited onto my account I pay a small fee for the creation of that token address for the first time, if I close out that token account (sell all of those tokens) I get that fee back, or if I get an NFT that was dusted to me and I burn it I get a small fee, etc, etc…

I feel the real solution (rather than taxing XEN and XENft users) is to address the storage system and improving that, or get more storage space. Look at new compression models, or even forgetting merkle trees until needed. Thinking that the setup someone bought 17 months ago should still work means someone did not take scalability and use into consideration. Since I brought up Solana look at what metaplex is doing with their compressed NFT’s, 5 million NFT mints cost 5 SOL due to their compression system of storage.

If anything, taxing ‘use of chain’ can lead to serious problems, maybe you should tax people MORE the LESS they use the chain, but taxing is just stupid and against what blockchain/DeFi stands for. We want people to use the chain, and over 6000 individual people came to moonbeam and 10,000 addresses were created, I can show you the data from my last chain analysis in April chain data from april
where you can see the addresses of +6000 people using multiple chains (6 that I tracked) some people are so new to crypto from the XEN community they thought they needed a new wallet for each chain.

So instead of trying to push users off because storage was not considered when setups were made, figure out how to make better use of the storage at hand. User growth is wanted and should be sung uphigh, not finding a way to tax and pay for validators/nodes and collators that didn’t set up enough storage.

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I don’t have a lot of developer experience, but I will give my 2 cents:

Keeping transaction fees low, like they are now, is a crucial component in the decision-making progress. High transaction fees are one of the main reasons why non-crypto people don’t bother to explore blockchain applications. There are other technical implications to keep in mind, but keeping transaction fees low is, in my opinion, a priority.

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That is a valuable feedback, thank you.

I would like to address multiple points:

…like Solana, every time a new token is deposited onto my account I pay a small fee for the creation

This is how Polkadot works. This is call the existential deposit and is an effective mechanism to prevent uncontrolled growth of addresses like we have on Moonbeam. However this can only work with a better security mechanism than Ethereum (where the nonce is the only element preventing replay attack). That is why we are not proposing it (all other parachains do).

I feel the real solution (rather than taxing XEN and XENft users) is to address the storage system and improving that.

We don’t try to tax any specific project. The reality is that Moonbeam is a Smart contract execution blockchain, not a storage blockchain. The Moonbeam protocol offered storage at almost no cost and would have keep it so if the XEN project didn’t saturate it (using 99% of the storage by itself).

The actual storage issue we have today is not only about space (it requires 2TB as opposed to 100GB some month ago), but also about the execution. Some operations are now taking 5x more times to execute because of the size of the storage. This means that users will have to pay more for their contract because it will take more time.

Some of the solution you brough up like compression of storage would make this even more expensive to execute.

So, to me, penalizing users who are using correctly the chain (by doing code execution) because others are saturating the storage is unfair.

If anything, taxing ‘use of chain’ can lead to serious problems,…

Taxing is never something that people (even the one implementing it) want, but right now the people “using the chain” are already paying more because of the impact of the big storage.

Some of the MBIPs like MBIP-4 are actually proposing a solution that:

  1. Has very low fee if your contract is not abusing storage (which is the case for all but 1 project so far)
  2. Is visible to the user (the user transaction gasPrice, which is visible and decided by the user, will be slightly higher, but the user will get refunded the extra part that was reserved for the storage but not used)

So instead of trying to push users off because storage was not considered when setups were made, figure out how to make better use of the storage at hand.

We are not trying to push users off, we are trying to prevent the rise of the network cost because of the abuse of the storage resources.
Now, of course, if a project want to store 20M times the same bytes as some did, maybe an Ethereum compatible chain is not the right place :slight_smile:


Yes, correct. That is a very important point to keep in mind. Not everything should be stored on the Moonbeam blockchain. Preventing the rise of network costs is crucial.

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Actually solution 4 is not going to increase the fees if the storage usage is not big. What it would change is that the user will have to provide a higher fee, but on the other hand will get refunded more, allowing the transaction to be at the same cost at the end

Update: A snapshot vote is up now where GLMR token holders can vote on their preferred solution (or vote for “no change”). The voting will be open for roughly 1 week.

The results of this vote will have implications for the entire community so it’s very important that community members make their voice heard by voting.

Thank you to those that took the time to read through these proposals and especially those that took time to respond with their thoughts on the matter. Some excellent points were raised in the discussion and it’s wonderful to see community engagement on such an important matter.


Hi, while traveling here is my 2cents

It is clear that all solutions have certain advantages and disadvantages.
However in my opinion there are some fundamental principles

The chain should be used for calculations and only for the very necessary storage.

It is developers’ responsibility to take that into account when designing their smart contract both in case of user interaction and smart contract factories

Having said that with no IPFS native storage pallet and only other option of using XCM (and XCM to EVM) to access storage and smart front end design and as AlbertoV19 mentioned use of indexers, the developer can easily get carried away and switch to using the chain for storage.

Yet such storage usage puts strain on the chain for all of us. A common storage fee that increases from one block to another sounds like punishing the whole ecosystem for a developer’s project poor design and implementation.

Punishing the user by increasing the user’s fee across the chain is also hurting our ecosystem

In addition to the above with the chain been 2y old and having already 12Million smart contracts where does this lead to?

Is it unrealistic to say that in next 2years with the chain and Polkadot ecosystem much more mature, with halving around the corner, with new mature communication layers, a) horizontal (for XCM (and XCM to EVM)) and b) vertical (interconnected contracts) that the chain will hit 100mln or even 1billion smart contracts

Sure increasing blockspace 4x and asynchronous backing will facilitate all the above to a degree but I strongly believe that unused smart contracts that belong to a fictional decentralised desert should be buried to leave the vibrant ecosystem use its resources in the most efficient way

Based on the above and bearing in mind that all proposals have a high value I believe that the 2 proposals that describe most of my thesis above are

To enforce good and efficient usage of storage on the chain we can use the good actor / bad actor approach

The good actor


An increased deposit when creating a smart contract

It is assumed that the developer has done tests ( off chain and on Moonbase Alpha ) and brings upgradable smart contracts on Moonbeam. He then deposits a very significant fee for the smart contracts deployed on Moonbeam.

The fee is partially refundable when he upgrades his smart contract and terminates older smart contracts

This mimics what we have in Supermarkets in Europe where you put a coin in the trolley to use it and you can get it back once you return the trolley (so a “good” player)

This means in our road to hitting 100million or 1 billion smart contacts, we as developers keep the healthy-modern ones

Note: It is important that we need a mechanism to terminate the smart contract (remove from chain) in modern solidity with funds being returned to smart contract deployer account


The bad actor (not bad necessarily)

Sometimes people get lazy, fail to study and search for optimum solutions or are honestly unaware of better solutions but willing to learn. In all cases these developers have to be informed about better design alternatives and prompt them to study and look for better implementations

One way to enforce this is when a user of a specific project is forced to pay more fees because of the project inefficient implementation, without affecting the fees of users of other projects and the rest of the ecosystem.

It is my belief that if MBIP-1 was implemented it would contribute to the medium-long term ecosystem equilibrium. If MBIP-2 is also imposed then it responds to the short-medium term ecosystem equilibrium. Both are needed in my opinion


The snapshot vote has been closed with MBIP-4 garnering the most support and MBIP-5 second - both being the clear front runners based on this sampling of voters.

Given the magnitude of such a change to the core protocol and the limitations of the snapshot platform for participation, it has been suggested that any course of action should be ratified through on-chain governance.

Stay tuned…