Polkadot Smart Contract Developer Survey

Hello everyone!!

I hope everyone is doing amazing. Together with my team we have made a survey with to gather information about the Smart Contract developer experience in the Polkadot Ecosystem. It would be incredibly appreciated if you could fill it in, it takes 2 min. We want to validate an idea we have for the Decentralization Futures program :rocket:

Many many thanks in advance <3



hey @al3mart, thanks for sharing this! @kevin, could you please take a look when you have time :pray:

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We will be sharing the results in the original post :slight_smile:

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Hey @al3mart just filled your survey.
I appreciated the accuracy of the questions (which is unusual enough to notice): we can see that you know what feedback you’re looking for. Nice initiative :+1:


Thank you so much!!

Your words mean a lot to the team, we have been working hard and putting a lot of thought behind what we want to present to the broader community.


Good initiative, i’ve filled the survey as honestly as I could.

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