OnFinality's Proposal for High Performance RPC and Bootnode for Moonbeam, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha in Q2/Q3 2025

Title: OnFinality’s Proposal for High Performance RPC and Bootnode for Moonbeam, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha in Q2/Q3 2025


  • OnFinality has a proven track record providing RPC API support for the Moonbeam networks since January 2021 and plans to continue the long standing partnership of a reliable top-tier API service
  • Treasury funding will sponsor the public endpoint of OnFinality Moonbeam, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha networks at a rate of 50 responses / second.
  • OnFinality is the only Moonbeam RPC service provider to guarantee high availability and low latency with financial penalties if service level targets are not met
  • One bootnode per network is included free of charge

Setting up reliable and scalable RPC infrastructure is difficult and expensive:

  • It requires a level of server development expertise that many do not have. Running production level infrastructure is especially tricky. You need to autoscale quickly to handle bursty traffic, and you want to provide services in different regions around the world to provide low latency services — all of this is incredibly costly.
  • Asking others to run their own node hurts your ability to onboard developers into your ecosystem and serves as a massive barrier to entry. It’s costly to run a full node nearly continuously, especially when your dApp’s traffic is low and inconsistent.
  • Running nodes and performing the related DevOps activities requires constant attention - time that would be better spent elsewhere building.

OnFinality’s Ultimate API service mitigates these barriers of entry. Users in your ecosystem can enjoy the ultimate reliable API endpoint that can power their app as it grows.

Our services include:

  • 99.9% Service Availability Level (SLA) with financial penalties
  • Externally monitored 99th Percentile latency of under 1 second with financial penalties
  • Complete Archive history
  • Support for Trace and Debug methods
  • Support for eth_getLogs RPC method
  • Geographically distributed RPC nodes in OnFinality Cloud North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia) and France (Europe) for Moonbeam and Moonriver RPCs
  • 24/7 Monitoring and on-call engineers operating from Auckland and Hong Kong
  • Community support via our telegram channel and Support Centre
  • Rate Limits ensure fair usage of shared public RPC services. Public access to our Moonbean, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha endpoints will be provided at 50 responses / second, per IP
    • Public access at 50 requests / second
    • Free private API access at 50 requests / second via the OnFinality portal with usage and performance insights. Up to 500,000 requests per day.
    • Higher access levels available for users on our Growth and Ultimate plans
  • Self Service Dedicated Node provisioning on OnFinality Cloud
  • One free bootnode per network

Over the past 90 days we have achieved uptimes of 99.98%, 100.00%, and 99.95% for Moonbeam, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha respectively

The fixed price will be $2,990 USD / Month for the Moonbeam, Moonriver, and Moonbase Alpha RPC services combined - $17,940 for the complete 6 month period. Prices include a 15% discount for 6 month service commitment and a 10% discount for multiple services. Bootnodes are provided free of charge to thank the Moonbeam community for their continued support.

Network RPC Regions Nodes* Cost
Moonbeam North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 4 RPC Nodes + Free Bootnode $1,490 / month
Moonriver North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 3 RPC Nodes + Free Bootnode $1,125 / month
Moonbase Alpha North Virginia (North America) 1 RPC Node + Free Bootnode $375 / month
Total North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 8 RPC Nodes + 3 Free Bootnodes $2,990 / month

This is all inclusive of capital and operating expenses, administration time from OnFinality and SubQuery DevOps, onboarding costs, backup costs, and all other monitoring and right-sizing by our team.

*Current estimated node configuration. OnFinality will scale nodes as necessary to meet our SLA obligations.

View the complete proposal and service usage history here


Hey @TreasuryCouncil

A small update, we are running 2 nodes for Moonbase Alpha, not 1

Corrected table below

Network RPC Regions Nodes* Cost
Moonbeam North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 4 RPC Nodes + Free Bootnode $1,490 / month
Moonriver North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 3 RPC Nodes + Free Bootnode $1,125 / month
Moonbase Alpha North Virginia (North America) 2 RPC Nodes + Free Bootnode $375 / month
Total North Virginia (North America), Hong Kong (Asia), France (Europe) 9 RPC Nodes + 3 Free Bootnodes $2,990 / month

No change in price - as stated in our proposal the node number is included to provide you with an understanding of the underlying setup but we expand as necessary to meet demand :slight_smile: