Maintaining community standards and accountability

There is no such thing as "leadership of TFA’’ otherwise they would condemn him ages ago. Seems they are fine with the values and behaviour he represents. I just wonder if their community who support them are aware of it, but eventually they will. It’s impossible to hide such a toxic, anti-semitic and racist behavior. Maybe then someone there will wake up and do something


In my opinion, this type of behavior is crossing a red line.


My man, it’s unacceptable.
Really sorry for that. :pensive:

We can all bear personal attacks, but racist/antisemit attacks, it’s a clear NO.

It’s not even a red line that was crossed, it’s beyond that. :no_entry:


The Moonbeam Foundation is committed to the principles of decentralization and in disputes between community members, we typically prefer to remain neutral. That being said, Moonbeam has a clear code of conduct and in this instance, we believe the comments made by LG (a.k.a. LORDGLMR) are completely unacceptable, it is our responsibility to speak out and we’ve decided to take the action to hand out a permanent ban.

We would also like to take the opportunity to remind everyone of the core pledge of the code of conduct and ask everyone to adhere to it:

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.”


I have been following this whole drama from a distance. Although i agree with a some of the complaints about LG, i think it is fundamentally wrong to ban him from this platform. This way he can not defend himself, which is wrong. Besides that he brings concerning topics to light, decline in developers, dumping vc’s, fake pumps, validators voting and grants, and today the bonding amount of GLMR to run a node. Its very easy to just call this FUD. Imo it should be very easy to simply address these topics, if these are in fact untrue (fact is stronger than rumor). Governance in dotsama eco system are still flawed (infancy state). There should be a more independent authority (a kind of “judge”, ideally not part of the moonbeam ecosystem) to take extreme actions like this (ban). Because the way LG has been treated now, it is one sided, partially based on emotions, unfair imo.

Welcome to the forum!

Moonbeam has a clear code of conduct, and we are fully within our rights to take action when someone repeatedly violates it. the fact is that LG has repeatedly violated it. please be sure to read this topic and the comments from community members. regarding self-bond, you can find quite extensive discussions on this topic at the following links:

Hi, thanks for your reply. My point is that the action to permanently ban someone should not be taken lightly. It should be the ultimate remedy. Of course, moderators should have the right to take action when someone violates the code of conduct. The question is whether the decision to ban LG is the right one. Was this decision really necessary, and was it proportional? Did LG get banned temporarily first? If not, why not? Did LG have a chance to defend himself? Does he have the right to appeal this decision? Isn’t he still a community member who has contributed a lot in the past? These are all circumstances that should be taken into account before banning him permanently. I know, probably none of you are lawyers, and you are just trying to do the job with all good intentions; that’s highly appreciated. But I think this is not the way the code of conduct should be enforced. For clarity, I am not related to LG in any way; I just got concerned from a legal point of view when I read this drama.

yeah, sure, I imposed a temporary 30-day ban on him as a warning and an opportunity for him to reflect on and rectify his behavior. however, after the temp ban, he continued to make a significant number of explicit and direct insults toward Moonbeam, myself, and other community members. consequently, a permanent ban was imposed. this post was created on October 8, and LG was banned on October 11. LG has expressed a multitude of offensive and derogatory remarks, which cannot be tolerated in any civilized society


I mean, What else ?

Does anyone have regrets about the ban ?
I don’t think so.


I absolutely do not regret him being banned. He was given far too much leeway and more than enough consideration. What @Jim_CertHum posted regarding the racist and antisemitic statements he posted more than justify a permanent ban IMO.