Lunar Gaming Festival (LGF) | PINK allocation request [APPROVED]

Company Name: Lunar Gaming Festival

Lead applicant: Marc - marc at


The Lunar Gaming Festival (LGF), a collaborative initiative between independent collators, blockchain game developers and the advanced analytics platform, FiDi, stands as a catalyst for growth and engagement within the Moonbeam ecosystem. Launched during the depths of the bear market, our mission is clear: to shine a spotlight on the captivating games thriving within our ecosystem, promote active staking, and propel ecosystem growth. By merging the excitement of blockchain gaming with other essential infrastructure, the LGF aims to create an exciting and rewarding environment, motivating gaming enthusiasts and users to explore the remarkable games within our vibrant ecosystem.

Metrics planning to improve (users/TX/TVL):

While the LGF has shown steady growth since its June 2023 launch, our primary goal is to drive increased participation within the Moonbeam ecosystem, including staking with independent collators, exploring the various Moonbeam games, and engaging with Moonbeam-focused applications like FiDi. Notably, during the September 2023 spotlight on Evrloot, they saw a nearly 100% boost in missions, indicating our capacity to drive engagement. Our strategy moving forward centers on sustaining this engagement to elevate user numbers, transaction volume, and TVL within the ecosystem.

LGF website user activity over time

LGF Telegram Growth since inception

Proof point: Evrloot monthly mission trendline and impact of LGF campaign

We have set a target of driving a minimum of 250 new users to engage with the supported games during our grand finale.

Strategy to improve:

As the Lunar Gaming Festival enters its eighth month, we plan to conclude with a spectacular festival in 1H2024, uniting all featured games. Our core strategy for this grand finale is to maximize user participation by offering enticing incentives, including a $PINK airdrop, gaming NFTs, special perks, and monetary prizes. By doing so, we aim to create a vibrant, engaging, and celebratory atmosphere, bolstering ecosystem growth while rewarding our dedicated community for their continued support.


The Lunar Gaming Festival’s campaign is set to span a duration of 30 days, with the precise start and end dates contingent upon the distribution schedule of the $PINK tokens.

Token allocation/distribution plan:

The Lunar Gaming Festival is dedicated to community engagement and participation. Therefore, we will allocate 100% of the tokens directly to LGF end-user participants, ensuring an equitable distribution to reward their active involvement. Additionally, a portion of these tokens will contribute to the final prize pot, intensifying competition and excitement during the grand finale.

NOTE: One of the members of the LGF coordination team (Jim Farley from CertHum) is also a member of the $PINK distribution review team, and will recuse himself from the review process for this proposal.


hey @Marc_Blockshard, first of all, thank you for your proposal!

I have a few questions, simply to ensure more transparency:

could you elaborate on your strategies for attracting new users?

beyond this event, what is the long-term vision for LGF within the Moonbeam ecosystem?

how will the process of calculating and distributing rewards be transparent and verifiable? what mechanisms are in place to ensure the integrity of this process?


Hi @Marc_Blockshard!
First of all thanks for this proposal, sounds really interesting especially, to me, when you focus on the idea of attracting new people to Moonbeam eco.
Do you think feasible to make an estimatation on how many people LGF attracted since its launch on June 2023?
I ask this also with reference to your sentence here:
“We have set a target of driving a minimum of 250 new users to engage with the supported games during our grand finale.”
I guess that this number here is designed with a criteria linked to these months stats… just looking for your confirmation💪

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Hey @turrizt, thank you for coming back to us with questions!

could you elaborate on your strategies for attracting new users?

Our strategies for attracting new users leverage a collaborative network, enabling us to reach a broader audience. The participating independent collators coordinate public messages and amplify our presence across social media platforms. Each collator extends our campaign to their communities, expanding our outreach. Furthermore, direct channels with participating games enable us to share events and updates, leveraging their communities and social media reach. This interconnected network ensures comprehensive efforts to attract and engage new users.

beyond this event, what is the long-term vision for LGF within the Moonbeam ecosystem?

While our long-term vision for LGF is still in the discussion phase, we are committed to sustaining the momentum and success we have achieved. Some potential avenues we are exploring include creating spin-off events like the ‘Lunar DeFi Festival’ with a focus on DeFi projects on Moonbeam/Moonriver, passing on the festival’s stewardship to individuals or groups who share our gaming-focused vision, or transitioning to grander events on a quarterly basis.

how will the process of calculating and distributing rewards be transparent and verifiable? what mechanisms are in place to ensure the integrity of this process?

Our reward calculation and distribution process in the LGF prioritizes transparency and verifiability. Participants must maintain an active stake with a participating collator throughout the campaign month. Eligible participants can mint gaming NFTs of the month, often unlocking additional in-game rewards. This on-chain process is transparent and verifiable, aided by shared snapshots with FiDi. We plan to maintain this system while also considering launching a Zealy campaign to further boost engagement.

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Hey @micheleicebergnodes, many thanks for your questions!

Do you think feasible to make an estimation on how many people LGF attracted since its launch on June 2023?

Yes, it is feasible to make such an estimation. Based on the breakdown below, we can see that a total of 519 festival NFTs have been minted, with 295 unique addresses.

I guess that this number here is designed with a criteria linked to these months stats… just looking for your confirmation💪

Yes, your assumption is correct. The target of driving a minimum of 250 new users to engage with the supported games during the grand finale is indeed based on an educated estimate rooted in the campaign’s performance and trends. It considers factors such as the cumulative efforts, added incentives, and marketing endeavors before and during the event, where all featured games are brought together in one month. The aim is to leverage these combined efforts to attract a substantial number of new players to the festival and nearly double the current level of engagement.

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After careful consideration, the review team found that your proposal meets the requirements of a deployed Moonbeam project with active users/transactions and is in good standing and is ready to shake things up in your community. Approved.


Awesome, many thanks :star_struck: We’re looking forward to distribute $PINK to our gaming community :rocket:


thank you Turrizt! We are greatly looking forward to see LGF and $Pink take off even more.


Hi everyone,

Lunar Gaming Festival distributed all the allocated PINK on Sunday, 12th May, 2024. LGF ran an ‘April is PINK’ event, where five games in the ecosystem, community collators, stakers, and gamers all participated to win a portion of allocation. Some statistics:

Total Unique Addresses Earning Points: 549 (these were unique addresses that participated in some way with the festival)

Highest point award: 32,076 (PINK) - only 1

Lowest award 490 (multiple)

Filled POAP Claim Form - 122 addys

Staked and Claimed - 32 addys

Of the 8 point-earning quests (Stake - Claim - Play):

1 address performed 5

11 addresses performed 4

23 addresses performed 3

48 addresses performed 2

463 did performed 1

There was record growth in the LGF Telegram, going from 359 subscribers on 31st March when the event was formally announced to 496 when the event ended – an increase of 137 members in 3 weeks.


The official website also saw record users during the event, so much so that Google Analytics detected the traffic as anomalous. On some days we had 3x the normal traffic on the site.


Feedback in the public LGF Telegram on the event has been extremely positive, with these comments (original posts are in the public Telegram):

It should also be noted that LGF has been volunteer driven from community teams without any budgets or more formal association.

Combined, this data points to the fact that with the support of the PINK distribution, and a guiding hand from Moonbeam, the April is PINK event was a resounding success, highlighting the community spirit that is in the DNA of the network.