Educational Videos how to vote?

People keep asking me about how to vote. Can we make some simple and intuitive educational videos for the Average Joe, explaining how to vote, finance projects with Treasury funds if necessary, and providing an in-depth explanation of enactment periods, including pros and cons? Can anyone help?

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hey Lord, here’s a pretty clear videos on how to vote off-chain on Snapshot and on-chain via Polkassembly. I believe if you want to record a new video for the community, you’re more than welcome to do that. do you think that someone from TF DAO can record it? so I’m not sure what help you needed?


Oh this is sweet i was not aware of this rlly apologies, thank you fam.

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np at all, you can go ahead and record your video! It will be more than welcome, as having more videos on this topic will make it cooler and more convenient. plus, it might encourage more community members to vote

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Is it possible for these videos to be embedded/hyperlinked on the snapshot page?

That would make it much easier for users to learn how to vote. That way, they don’t need to leave the snapshot page to learn how to cast their vote. I think it would be a better user experience.

I feel like is literally 2 clicks and we should think about how to encourage people going there instead of explaining an self-explaining frontend that a 5-years-old could use.

Fair point.
In regards to encouraging people to go there, I think consistently posting on the Moonbeam Discord, Twitter, and Telegram is a good start. Getting projects to post on their relative Discord, Twitter, and Telegram is also good.

Do you have some ideas in mind?

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Yeah I think for the next tranch we could start an informative campaign, go into the communities, hold a twitter space maybe.


Yes sounds like a good idea. I think Moonbeam can do the following:

  • Twitter space
  • Telegram voice
  • Discord voice event

Individual projects should also do this.


There were a lot of posts on Twitter, Discord and Telegram and two voice sessions (at least the ones I know about):
Community Voice:

Downtown Moonbeam:

However, I agree with you, guys: the more spreading information, the more community members will hear about an Ecosystem Grant Voting and hopefully take part.