Discussion to Increase the active collator set of Moonbeam by <x> nodes

The next step would be to create a new proposal in Governance at the Idea stage, which would stay in Idea stage for at least 7 days.

However, we’ve had a few different options expressed in this discussion, and for the proposal it will be helpful if there was one choice, and so I will use the option with the most votes in this poll (based on the different suggests above), to select what to include in the Proposal.

Should the Moonbeam network active set be increased from 72 collators, and if so, how should be increase be configured?
  • 4 Additional slots, no Oribtors
  • 4 Additional slots, of which 1 will be an Orbitor
  • 5 Additional slots, of which 1 will be an Orbitor
  • The active set on Moonbeam network should remain at 72
  • Some other option (and I’ll comment below)
0 voters