Delegate Name: Yaron MGG
Delegate ID: Moonbeam Karma dashboard profile
Moonbeam Delegation Address: 0x63b378002354efe8e6f20554b85a098cdb5f4602
Voting activity:
- Network: Moonbeam
- Referendum ID: 90
- Proposal title: Direct 80% of PBR Inflation to Treasury on Moonbeam
- Vote: AYE
- Proof: Hash
- Reasoning: Slightly extended take
One might ask why the Treasury would need more assets at all?
So far the Treasury Council has managed to operate at a surplus on a term-over-term basis and to my knowledge no proposals were rejected due to a great lack of funds.
As a member of the Treasury Council I might be biased, however I see two likely scenarious of such changes coming into effect, both of which I consider to clearly be very positive on the development and self-sustainability of the ecosystem overall.
1.) Ecosystem Growth & Development Firepower
Increased treasury assets would enable funding for more ecosystem projects (such as and others), generating overall value and stimulating activity across all sectors. This could cause a self-reinforcing updwards spiral, attracting even more development and igniting overall ecosystem activity even further. Such network effects should not be underestimated - we’ve already observed increased project interest following the announcement of Ref 90.
2.1) Self-Sustainability
The additional assets represent a significant step toward shifting recurring costs away from the MB Foundation, improving the networks’ independent economic self-sufficiency. The Treasury Council, predominantly composed of non-Foundation members, helps decentralize executive decision-making and empowers the community directly.
2.2) Transparency
Moving operational costs from the MB Foundation to the Treasury Council would significantly increase transparency and on-chain visibility for Moonbase Alpha, Moonriver, and Moonbeam operations. This transition enables greater community participation, constructive criticism and support.
In conclusion, I strongly endorse Gauntlet’s proposal (giving credit where credit is due, I witnessed @dev0_sik suggesting redirecting PBR staking rewards to the on-chain treasury long before that). The detailed reasoning presented in Gauntlet’s post has received unanimous positive feedback following constructive discussions.
- Network: Moonbeam
- Referendum ID: 91
- Proposal title: Authorize Upgrade of Moonbeam to RT3400
- Vote: AYE
- Proof: Hash
- Reasoning: “Inflation Reduction Act 2.0” – Runtime upgrade 3400 introduces two significant changes: Increasing the transaction fee burn rate to 100%, strengthening GLMR’s long-term deflationary trajectory, and reducing EVM minimum gas transaction costs by a whopping 75%, which will substantially improve user experience during normal network conditions.
RT3400, already successfully tested on both Moonbase and Moonriver, brings numerous improvements and changes. Implementation is scheduled for January 27th, 2025.