Delegation Report - turrizt

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #27
  • Proposal title: Proposal to Register Asset xcLDOT
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I cast my vote in favor because I firmly believe that liquidity and expanding the use cases for DOT are essential for the success of the Moonbeam ecosystem. therefore, I’m always happy to see more use cases

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #28 & #29
  • Proposal title: Proposals to Cancel MB22 and MB23
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I vote in favor because MB22 and MB23 were created by mistake and have no purpose, while MB28 and MB29 intend to fix this by canceling these unnecessary referenda

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Date: 31.10.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #37
  • Proposal title: Initiate removal of the offline stakefish nodes
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye to promptly remove’s inactive Moonriver collator nodes, which were shut down without following the due leave process, causing network performance issues and affecting delegators rewards. this action is crucial to restore network efficiency and maintain system integrity

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #39
  • Proposal title: [Proposal: MR39] Cancel MR36
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor because MR36 contains an incorrect preimage hash, and MR39 aims to rectify this by canceling the unnecessary referendum

Date: 09.11.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #30
  • Proposal title: Polkadex Proposal Open/Accept HRMP channel and Register Asset xcPDEX
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye because establishing a HRMP channel between Moonbeam and Polkadex will enhance asset transfer and trading capabilities, fostering greater utility across our ecosystems, in line with our broader goals for ecosystem growth

Date: 10.11.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #32
  • Proposal title: Pendulum Proposal to Open/Accept an HRMP channel with Pendulum and register xcPEN
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye to establish a HRMP channel between Moonbeam and Pendulum, aiming to enhance asset transfers and trading. this includes bringing Pendulum’s tokens to DEXs on Moonbeam and setting up new liquidity pools, like PEN-DOT. It’s a step towards more integration and growth in our ecosystems

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #33
  • Proposal title: Upgrade Moonbeam to RT2602 via Whitelist Track
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye on the runtime upgrade for Moonbeam network based on Aaron’s comment. he highlighted a bug in the existing runtime (RT2501) impacting Moonbeam network, creating an urgent need for a fix. after consulting with the Foundation and core developers, the OpenGov Technical Committee recommended a swift rollout of an updated RT2602 build and a 0.34.1 client to address this issue

Date: 30.11.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #42
  • Proposal title: Cancel MR40 (Upgrade Moonriver to RT2601
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye on MR42 to cancel MR40, in response to a bug found in RT2601 on Moonbase Alpha. This decision supports the rollout of a hotfix RT2602, as recommended by the Technical Committee, prioritizing network security and stability

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #43
  • Proposal title: Upgrade Moonriver to RT2602 via Whitelist Track
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye on the runtime upgrade for Moonriver network based on Aaron’s comment. he highlighted a bug in the existing runtime (RT2501) impacting Moonriver network, creating an urgent need for a fix. after consulting with the Foundation and core developers, the OpenGov Technical Committee recommended a swift rollout of an updated RT2602 build and a 0.34.1 client to address this issue

Date: 30.11.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #46
  • Proposal title: Created in Error - Please ignore
  • Your vote: Nay
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Nay because the proposal was created by error

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #47
  • Proposal title: On-Chain Appointment of Treasury Council Nominees
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I’m voting in favor of this proposal because I support the new Council Member Nominees, who were selected by the community through off-chain voting on Snapshot. I believe it’s important for this proposal to pass, enabling the Council to fully commit to their responsibilities and duties

Date: 10.12.2023

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #35
  • Proposal title: On-Chain Appointment of Treasury Council Nominees
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: Just as I did in Moonriver, I’m voting in favor of this proposal. my support is rooted in the selection of the new Council Member Nominees, who were chosen through community-driven off-chain voting on Snapshot. I firmly believe in the importance of this proposal’s success, as it will empower the Council to fully dedicate themselves to their roles and responsibilities

Date: 10.12.2023

1 Like

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #48
  • Proposal title: Register MOVR in Kusama AssetHub
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye because I believe in the growth of Kusama Asset Hub. with the introduction of the new Kusama Asset Hub DEX, users will have opportunities to LPing and asset swapping. it will be beneficial, allowing MOVR holders to explore more use cases. also, Asset Hub holders will have the advantage of acquiring more MOVR through Asset Hub DEX

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #49
  • Proposal title: Upgrade Moonriver to RT2700
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor because I believe that Runtime Upgrades are crucial for our ecosystem. they enable Moonriver to introduce new features and address issues without necessitating major changes. this kind of flexibility is essential for maintaining Moonriver’s smooth operation and effective performance

Date: 10.01.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #36
  • Proposal title: Proposal to Register Asset xcPINK
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor recognizing the need for more engaging content in our ecosystem. PINK’s addictive game suggests they have more exciting ideas to offer. this could positively impact the ecosystem by introducing varied use cases. still, caution is key. don’t take this as endorsement, always DYOR before engaging with any new asset

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #37
  • Proposal title: Register GLMR in AssetHub
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: like with the Moonriver proposal, I voted Aye because I believe in the growth of the Polkadot Asset Hub. with the introduction of the new Polkadot Asset Hub DEX, users will have opportunities for LPing and asset swapping. It will be beneficial, allowing GLMR holders to explore more use cases. also, Asset Hub holders will have the advantage of acquiring more GLMR through the Asset Hub DEX

Date: 10.01.2024

1 Like

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #38
  • Proposal title: Register Bifrost Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) xcvASTR, xcvMANTA on Moonbeam
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor to add Bifrost’s vASTR and vMANTA on Moonbeam for its potential to boost liquidity, enhance capital efficiency, and improve user experience by simplifying the minting process for liquid staking tokens. this move aligns with our vision of fostering a more integrated and user-friendly ecosystem on Moonbeam, encouraging broader participation and supporting native protocol growth

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #39
  • Proposal title: Authorize Upgrade of Moonbeam to RT2700
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor of the RT2700 upgrade as it will positively contribute to the Moonbeam’s development, addressing both current requirements and future growth potential. this ensures that Moonbeam remains competitive and continues to serve its users effectively

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #40
  • Proposal title: Register Bifrost Inscription Token: BNCS
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I’m voting Aye of registering $BNCS as an XC-20 token on Moonbeam. this supports interoperability, boosts DeFi integration, and enhances liquidity. this aligns with our strategic growth, leveraging Moonbeam’s capabilities to expand $BNCS use cases and improve user experience

Date: 06.02.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

I advise everyone to carefully consider these risks before using bridges. the choice to use them is optional and should be made with caution and thorough research. prioritize safety and informed decision-making in all your actions

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #51
  • Proposal title: Update Units Per Second Data for Moonriver Assets
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor of this proposal because it addresses the issue of outdated Units per second values, which play a crucial role in determining transaction fees for XCM transactions on Moonriver / Moonbeam. the proposal aims to refresh the units per second values for the current list of assets on Moonriver, ensuring accurate transaction fee calculations

Date: 06.02.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #41
  • Proposal title: Register GLMR in AssetHub (Re-do)
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I’m voting Aye because I’ve supported this initiative from the start, and seeing Proposal #37 get rejected for lack of support was a disappointment. I really hope this proposal gets the approval it needs so we can finally see GLMR registered on the Asset Hub

Date: 27.02.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #52
  • Proposal title: Return User Assets Stuck in Moonriver Sovereign Account
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: Voted Aye to facilitate the return of users funds locked in Moonriver sovereign account, affected by the unforeseen XCM-delivery fee mechanism implemented by Kusama and AH-K Runtime 1001000

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #53
  • Proposal title: Tinkernet Proposal to Open Channel & Register xcTNKR
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: Voted Aye on this batched proposal. opening an HRMP channel with Tinkernet & registering xcTNKR. It’s all about boosting interoperability across Kusama. Multichain multisig solution and DAO empowerment are crucial steps

Date: 06.03.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #54
  • Proposal title: Authorize Upgrade for Moonriver to RT2801
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye because Runtime Upgrades are crucial for the dotsama ecosystem, enabling Moonriver to introduce updates and fix issues without major changes, ensuring its smooth operation.

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Date: 04.04.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #42
  • Proposal title: Update Units Per Second Data for Moonbeam Assets)
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor of this proposal because it addresses the issue of outdated Units per second values, which play a crucial role in determining transaction fees for XCM transactions on Moonbeam. the proposal aims to refresh the units per second values for the current list of assets on Moonbeam, ensuring accurate transaction fee calculations

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #43
  • Proposal title: Authorize Moonbeam Upgrade to RT2801
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor because Runtime Upgrades are crucial for the dotsama ecosystem, enabling Moonbeam to introduce updates and fix issues without major changes, ensuring its smooth operation.

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #44
  • Proposal title: Proposal to Register Asset xcDED
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor because the community is eager to receive their xcDED airdrop for holding / LPing / farming / staking DOT tokens on Moonbeam. many in the community want to interact with the xcDED token and trade it on Moonbeam, so I decided to propose registering xcDED on Moonbeam and voted in favor as well

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #45
  • Proposal title: Vote Nay (Outdated)
  • Your vote: Nay
  • Reason for your vote: I voted against because it seems like the proposal was made by mistake

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #46
  • Proposal title: Unique Network proposal to Accept\Open Channels & Register xcUNQ
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: Voted Aye, as I love to support opening HRMP channels and registering parachain tokens on Moonbeam, as it opens new opportunities for XCM between each other, and hopefully, more beneficial use cases will emerge in the future

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

Date: 04.04.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: #48
  • Proposal title: Proposal to register asset xcSTINK
  • Your vote: Nay
  • Reason for your vote:
    I voted Nay on this proposal, primarily because it’s crucial for me to know the team behind any project I support. I also vote on behalf of my delegates, which means I have a responsibility to make extremely accurate and thoughtful decisions. while I enjoy the fun and buzz of meme vibes, the meme field is highly susceptible to scams. although the STINK contributors does not appear to be raising funds from users directly, they do offer a scheme where users can burn PINK to earn STINK. therefore, there remains a risk of the project being abandoned. so I cannot support it. If the STINK contributors can disclose who is behind STINK, I might reconsider my position

here’s an example of how most memecoins on Solana have been abandoned:

Date: 22.04.2024

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 49
  • Proposal Title: Runtime RT2901 Schedule
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of authorizing the upgrade to RT2901 due to its critical enhancements for the Moonbeam network. the runtime upgrade improves performance with increased gas limits and reduced block time, integrates the latest Polkadot SDK for enhanced compatibility, and addresses essential issues like block production and fee payments. these updates are vital for maintaining the network’s efficiency, security, and scalability, ensuring Moonbeam’s continuous development and stability

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 50
  • Proposal Title: Rename asset xcOTP to xcNEURO
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of renaming the asset xcOTP to xcNEURO to enhance clarity and better reflect the asset’s identity. the new name will reduce confusion, improve user experience, and align with the branding strategies of the associated projects. this change is important for maintaining transparency and coherence in asset management within the Moonbeam network

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 51
  • Proposal Title: Close XCM Channel with Equilibrium
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of closing the XCM channel with Equilibrium due to the critical security risks associated with Parachain ID 2011, which is no longer producing blocks. closing both outgoing and incoming channels will prevent potential impersonation and unauthorized access to funds, ensuring the safety and integrity of the Moonbeam users

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 56
  • Proposal Title: Proposal to add Apillon NCTR as xc-20 asset (xcNCTR)
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of adding Apillon NCTR as an xc-20 asset (xcNCTR) to the Moonbeam network. this addition will enhance the network’s asset diversity, provide more options for users and developers, and support the growth and adoption of the Apillon ecosystem. integrating xcNCTR aligns with Moonbeam’s goal of expanding its interoperable and scalable ecosystem

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 57
  • Proposal Title: Season 3: Ecosystem Grants
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of the Season 3 Ecosystem Grants proposal to allocate 4.5m GLMR strategically. this initiative, guided by Gauntlet’s recommendations, aims to support key projects such as Stellaswap, Moonwell, Prime Protocol, and Beamswap. these grants will foster innovation, enhance liquidity, and drive growth within the Moonbeam ecosystem, ensuring continued development and community engagement

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 58
  • Proposal Title: Activate Collator Offline Feature in Moonbeam
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I fully support this proposal. It is essential to activate the collator offline feature because having non-performing collators is detrimental to both chain performance and user experience. let’s make sure this is active well before the RT3000 upgrade to maintain the network’s reliability and efficiency

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 56
  • Proposal Title: Runtime RT2901 Schedule
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of authorizing the upgrade to RT2901 due to its critical enhancements for the Moonriver network. the runtime upgrade improves performance with increased gas limits and reduced block time, integrates the latest Polkadot SDK for enhanced compatibility, and addresses essential issues like block production and fee payments. these updates are vital for maintaining the network’s efficiency, security, and scalability, ensuring Moonriver’s continuous development and stability

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 57
  • Proposal Title: Runtime RT3000 Schedule
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of authorizing the upgrade to RT3000 due to its extensive enhancements for the Moonriver network. this upgrade enables a 6-second block time, doubles the gas limit per block, and includes support for Ethereum Cancun updates, significantly improving network performance and compatibility. these updates, along with other optimizations like increasing client authoring duration and reducing target block fullness, are essential for ensuring the Moonriver network’s efficiency, security, and scalability, fostering its continuous growth and stability

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: 58
  • Proposal Title: Use of Parachain Bond Reserve to Fund Moonriver Grants (June 2024)
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote:
    I voted in favor of this proposal to allocate 96,909 MOVR from the Parachain Bond Reserve to fund key projects like Beamswap’s V3 AMM development and liquidity initiatives in Beamswap and Moonwell. this funding will enhance DeFi capabilities, improve liquidity, and support additional community initiatives, fostering the growth and robustness of the Moonriver ecosystem

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 59
  • Proposal Title: [PLEASE VOTE NAY] Authorize Upgrade for Moonbeam to RT3000
  • Vote: Nay
  • Reason for the Vote: the proposal to authorize the upgrade for Moonbeam to RT3000 presents significant issues that need to be addressed before implementation. due to these unresolved problems, it is prudent to vote Nay to prevent potential negative impacts on the Moonbeam network

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 60
  • Proposal Title: Cancel Referendum 59
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote: this proposal aims to cancel Referendum 59, which proposes upgrading to RT3000. given the existing issues with RT3000, supporting this cancellation is crucial to avoid potential disruptions. voting Aye on Referendum 60 ensures that the network will not implement the problematic RT3000 upgrade and will instead prioritize the deployment of a more stable Runtime 3001

Date: 25.06.2024


Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 61
  • Proposal Title: Authorize Upgrade for Moonbeam to RT3001
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote: the upgrade to RT3001 addresses critical issues identified in RT3000 and introduces significant improvements. key changes include reducing block time to 6 seconds, doubling the gas limit per block, and enhancing Ethereum compatibility. these enhancements will increase transaction throughput, improve developer experience, and ensure network stability. by voting in favor, we support the continuous advancement and robustness of the Moonbeam network

Date: 28.06.2024

1 Like