Delegation Report - marin

gm everyone!

Following this post [Proposal: MB31] Proposal to Accept/Open an HRMP channel with Composable Polkadot and register xcIBCMOVR, xcPICA, xcTIA, xcIST, xcBLD and xcATOM - #8 by AlbertoV19 I decided to switch my vote to “Nay” regarding the proposal #31 until tickers with more suitable names are submitted.

  • Referendum ID: 31
  • Proposal title:
    #31 Accept/Open an HRMP channel with Composable Polkadot and register xcIBCMOVR, xcPICA, xcTIA, xcIST, xcBLD and xcATOM
  • Your vote:


UPDATE 02/12/23:

Considering the new information shared on [Proposal: MB31] Proposal to Accept/Open an HRMP channel with Composable Polkadot and register xcIBCMOVR, xcPICA, xcTIA, xcIST, xcBLD and xcATOM - #16 by composableintern :

  • new tickers with xcibc
  • root proposal deposit to rename the tickers backed by investors

I decided to support this proposal.
