Beamswap | PINK allocation request [APPROVED]

Company Name: Beamswap

Beamswap is a leading Moonbeam-based DEX and an ample DeFi hub powered by both standard and stable AMM, providing liquidity for peer-to-peer transactions.

Lead applicant (First name/ last name/email): Team Beamswap

Metrics planning to improve (users/TX/TVL):

Taking advantage of Beamswap Flywheel we plan to improve following three fields which should drive more liquidity and users towards Moonbeam Network::

  • xcDOT <> xcPINK liquidity
  • stGLINT token holders
  • Beamex BLP liquidity

Measuring numbers and actual growth for the PINK token is difficult since it lacks any inherent value. We aim to avoid speculating on the asset’s worth and making false promises to individuals. Instead, we are committed to presenting a report within one month after rewards expire to demonstrate the campaign’s success.


Our strategy involves enhancing the native liquidity of PINK on Moonbeam, encouraging users to engage with Moonbeam and leverage connected contracts for buying or selling PINK. Additionally, we plan to incentivize stGLINT token holders to increase staking on the platform, expanding the number of individuals participating in the revenue share of both Beamswap and Beamex. Lastly, we aim to improve BLP liquidity on Beamex, leading to increased swaps and positions on the only perpetual DEX on Polkadot.

The whole $PINK allocation will be split like this:

  • 50% towards xcDOT <> xcPINK
  • 25% towards stGLINT rewards
  • 25% towards Beamex BLP

Timeline: Feb 12, 2024 - March 12, 2024


Although not mandated by the initial post for submissions, would you be willing to put up a follow-up after distribution such as unique wallets, brief review of impact including any metrics, recommendations for improvement?

I think this could be useful data for the community in the event something like this happens again.

hey @beamswapio, first of all, thank you for your proposal!

I have a few questions, simply to ensure more transparency:

could you elaborate on your strategies for attracting new users to LP, farm, stake, trade?

how will the process of calculating and distributing rewards be transparent and verifiable? what mechanisms are in place to ensure the integrity of this process?

what steps will you take to help new users who are unfamiliar with Beamswap & Beamex, particularly in learning how to LP / farm / stake / trade? do you have any specific guides prepared for them?

it’s great to hear that connected contracts will be used! I’m just curious, how does Beamswap plan to use connected contracts with PINK?

We will let the $PINK cashtag do the deal on X. Social strategy and campaign has been prepared to coincide with PINK distribution and listing.

Like it was mentioned in the post, all of our received xcPINK will be distributed;

  • 50% towards xcDOT <> xcPINK
  • 25% towards stGLINT rewards
  • 25% towards Beamex BLP

The distribution can be verified on chain once the tokens are sent in the contracts.

We have guides prepared on our documentation page.

Users will be able to swap supported tokens from supported chains directly to xcPINK using the Swing widget via the Axelars route with one transaction.

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I believe this has been answered in the post above. The answer is a big YES.

After careful consideration, the review team found that your proposal meets the requirements of a deployed Moonbeam project with active users/transactions and is in good standing and is ready to shake things up in your community. Approved.