Title: SORA Networks Proposal to Open/Accept HRMP channel and Register Assets xcXOR, xcVAL, xcPSWAP and xcKUSD
This batched proposal is to Accept/Open an HRMP channel with the SORA Network and Register Assets xcXOR, xcVAL, xcPSWAP and xcKUSD.
We propose to open a bi-directional channel between Moonbeam and SORA Parachain Network (ParaID 2025). This will allow for a strategic step towards enhancing the capabilities and reach of Moonbeam, allowing for easy interconnection between networks (Liberland, TON, etc.) and therefore access to all of SORAs Dapps and services. The proposal also includes the addition of xcXOR, xcVAL, xcPSWAP and xcKUSD asset registration, with the following details:
- Kusama: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2011), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
- Polkadot: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2025), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
Decimals: 18
Name: SORA
Symbol: xcXOR
existentialDeposit: 0
xcXOR will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:
- Asset ID: 188761575055699541603822307635906265794
- XC-20 address: 0xffffffff8e02282f8297db1a4d53ec4f19f4c2c2
Yarn calculate-units-per-second --d 18 --xwc 8000000000 --a sora
Token Price is $0.00000993
The UnitsPerSecond needs to be set 251762336354481369587109
- Kusama: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2011), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
- Polkadot: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2025), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
Decimals: 18
Name: SORA Validator Token
Symbol: xcVAL
existentialDeposit: 0
xcVAL will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:
- Asset ID: 205444745805418257716650420026237406448
- XC-20 address: 0xffffffff9a8f38026226effad87bb310aefe4cf0
Yarn calculate-units-per-second --d 18 --xwc 8000000000 --a sora-validator-token
Token Price is $0.02029432
The UnitsPerSecond needs to be set 123187177495969315552
- Kusama: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2011), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
- Polkadot: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2025), GeneralKey(32, 0x0200050000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
Decimals: 18
Name: Polkaswap
Symbol: xcPSWAP
existentialDeposit: 0
xcPSWAP will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:
- Asset ID: 145779116293143907584117731144149881616
- XC-20 address: 0xffffffff6dac095a42e1d5a8dd25e5d1260dd310
Yarn calculate-units-per-second --d 18 --xwc 8000000000 --a polkaswap
Token Price is $0.00056892
The UnitsPerSecond needs to be set 4394290937214371089081
- Kusama: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2011), GeneralKey(32, 0x02000c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
- Polkadot: MultiLocationV3(1, X2(Parachain(2025), GeneralKey(32, 0x02000c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
Decimals: 18
Name: Kensetsu USD
Symbol: xcKUSD
existentialDeposit: 0
xcKUSD will have the following asset ID and XC-20 address:
- Asset ID: 97116926743723839883005813615568945351
- XC-20 address: 0xffffffff49100a2be4b50050078d6769622500c7
Yarn calculate-units-per-second --d 18 --xwc 8000000000 --p 1
Token Price is $1
The UnitsPerSecond needs to be set 2500000000000000000
On-Chain Proposal Reference
On-Chain Proposal #[__] with the associated hash: 0x375ab7dd90dc833eeba581a338e28be6f15c960854a62e84d3f680364577107b
Technical details:
The procedure for opening the channels is as follows:
- SORA Network: already proposed to open an HRMP channel to Moonbeam
- Moonbeam: democracy batched proposal:
- Open Moonbeam to the SORA Network HRMP channel
- Accept HRMP channel from the SORA Network to Moonbeam
- Register a few SORA Ecosystem assets as an XC-20
- SORA Network: democracy proposal to accept Moonbeam to the SORA Network HRMP channel
Once the HRMP channels are ready, XCM based cross-chain transfer will be possible. The extrinsics that need to be executed on the relay chain, are:
- To accept the HRMP channel to Moonbeam: hrmp.hrmpAcceptOpenChannel(sender: 2025) , which hex-encoded call data is 0x6b0901e9070000010301000100e40b5402000000000000000000000002286bee0200040001010700863ba10102000800
- To open the HRMP channel from Moonbeam: hrmp.hrmpInitOpenChannel(recipient: 2025, proposedMaxCapacity: 1000, proposedMaxMessageSize: 102400), which its hex-encoded call data is 0x6b0900e9070000e803000000900100010301000100e40b5402000000000000000000000002286bee0200040001010700863ba10102000800
The *proposedMaxCapacity *and proposedMaxMessageSize are set to the values of Polkadot 1,000 and 102,400 values, respectively.
The asset will be registered with the metadata described in the summary
If you are interested, the hex-encoded call data for this proposal in Moonbeam is:
As a prerequisite, the parachain’s sovereign account must contain at least 20 DOT/KSM to be locked as collateral (10 for each channel direction), plus some DOT/KSM to pay for XCM execution fees.