Delegation Report - turrizt

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity :point_down:

  • Network: Moonbeam
  • Referendum ID: 63
  • Proposal Title: Fix Bifrost Treasury BNC Reserve Proposal, Proposal 2: Burn exploiter’s xcBNC
  • Vote: Aye
  • Reason for the Vote: I voted Aye to burn the exploiter’s xcBNC because it’s vital to protect and secure the Bifrost Treasury. this action stops further misuse of compromised assets and helps restore trust in the network. by burning the exploiter’s funds, we strengthen the security and stability of Bifrost ecosystem, ensuring the integrity of our community and governance

Date: 09.07.2024

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