Delegation Report - turrizt

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #48
  • Proposal title: Register MOVR in Kusama AssetHub
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted Aye because I believe in the growth of Kusama Asset Hub. with the introduction of the new Kusama Asset Hub DEX, users will have opportunities to LPing and asset swapping. it will be beneficial, allowing MOVR holders to explore more use cases. also, Asset Hub holders will have the advantage of acquiring more MOVR through Asset Hub DEX

Delegate Name: Aleksandr aka turrizt
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xd87f6ec59f558ae5b1a647bfd466ea51849ea203

Voting activity:

  • Network: Moonriver
  • Referendum ID: #49
  • Proposal title: Upgrade Moonriver to RT2700
  • Your vote: Aye
  • Reason for your vote: I voted in favor because I believe that Runtime Upgrades are crucial for our ecosystem. they enable Moonriver to introduce new features and address issues without necessitating major changes. this kind of flexibility is essential for maintaining Moonriver’s smooth operation and effective performance

Date: 10.01.2024