Delegation Report - Jose.Crypto

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Hi, I’m Jose, and I’ve been a member of the community since before its launch, volunteering to help out in the Spanish chats, which gave me entry as an ambassador for the project, and I’m currently the Head Ambassador of the Spanish community, as well as Mod and recently as part of the Treasury Council. So I am aware of all the recent changes and very attentive on the chats, I will try to participate in the proposals with concrete feedback and questions that could interest more than one in the community.

You can find me on twitter and Telegram like @Jrafaelangarita

Date: 05/09/2023


Voting Activity
Vote : Aye
Moonbeam Ref 12: List GLMR on the HydraDX Omnipool AMM DEX | Polkassembly

im voting aye on this , since the funds will still be in possession of Moonbeam through governance and opens the possibility to use the various features that hydra provides, like OTC feature, DCA feature and Single side LP

In addition, it has been the first parachain to use the Moonbeam Routed Liquidity Feature, which already has more than 1M $ in volume, and which plans to continue expanding the bridgeds assets through Moonbeam

mutual support

More comments :

Voting Activity
Vote :

im voting NAY, since this is a mistake ref

im voting AYE , lets go open more channels and connect with good parachains

Im voting AYE, is non brainer, USDC finally coming

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonriver
Referendum ID: #28
Proposal title: Runtime 2500 Upgrade
Your vote: Aye
Reason for your vote: This will bring minimal changes but they help the network.
Date: 11.09.2023

1 Like

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #17
Proposal title: Runtime 2500 Upgrade
Your vote: Nay ( edit : i changed the vote from aye, since this will be cancelled due the rt 2501
Reason for your vote: This will bring minimal changes but they help the network.
Date: 27.09.2023

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #18
Proposal title: Cancel RT2500 Upgrade
Your vote: Aye
Reason for your vote: cancel the rt2500, since the rt 2501 has the necessary fix for a problem.

noted: missed the fast-tracked referedums due the time of vote

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #20
Proposal title: Provide correct UnitsPerSecond for ZTG Token
Your vote: Aye
Reason for your vote: It is to fix a bad configuration in the ztg asset

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #24
Proposal title: [Proposal: 24] Destroying Multichain XC-20 mintable tokens - #3 by overseven
Reason for your vote: is to destroy the not useful multichain xc-20 and get back the tokens needed for register them, so is ok that they can get back

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #21 and 23
Proposal title: [Proposal: 23] Emergency Fixing xcvDOT, xcvGLMR, xcFIL, and xcvFIL Asset sufficient to “true” - #7 by turrizt
Reason for your vote: The 21 is for fix a little mistake in the register of the assets and give them sufficient, so is an aye and the #23 is for add to whitelist track, due the nature of the problem , aye again

Delegate Name: Jose.Crypto
Delegate ID: Moonriver and Moonbeam
Delegation Address: 0xa495c2d6175f99ed94cc1d89b1b9c181562a525d

Voting activity:

Network: Moonbeam
Referendum ID: #22
Proposal title: [
Reason for your vote: have an error so need to be nayed